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Nicknames for bosses and NPCs

May 22, 2009
While questing I often give nicknames to the bosses and other characters I encounter. Would love to hear the nicknames other players give some of the bosses and character. Here are a few of mine.

Cipactli (Terra de Brea): Chippy
Nezahaul Savage Paw (Twin Peaks): Nezzie
Itzco Twisted Obsidian (Zocalo): Twisted Sister
Xipli Tailbiter (Three Points): Zippy
Caoranach the Fire Spitter (Avalon): Cockroach.

Jul 28, 2011
Here comes Angie D the wizard who rokz with her weird nicknames not only with bosses!

Malistaire: Mally (borrowed from Dr Von)
Morganthe: Morgan-the evil
Jabberwock: The annoyance
Malistaire the undying: Zombie Mally
Krokopatra: Patty
Mindy pixiecrown: Squeakers (That one was kinda mean, no offense to mindy)
Cyrus: Proffesor Snape
Halston Balestrom: Sir ribbit
Belladonna crisp: Bellatrix
Luska: Loo Loo Loony


Jun 08, 2009
Mar 12, 2013
The bosses in Ravenscar: Kol & the Gang

Frostbranch: Cheatybranch

Any of the Water-lurker type bosses and NPCs, e.g. King Amadeo, the Pigswick storm prof, Cuthalla: Blanka (their natural attack looks like the rolling cannonball move from Street Fighter)

The various bubble-headed bot minions running around in Science Center: Benders

Grendels: Gremlins

Mar 13, 2012
Meowarity: Mr. Meow-Meow-Kitty-Kat
Sothmehket: Mr. Meanie Krok/ Jerkmehket
Me: Alura the Epic
Malistaire: Mally Stare-Stare
Undying Malistaire: Returned Mr. Stare-Stare
Dueling Diego: Unicorn Man!!
Merle Ambrose: Mr. Magic Cookie Man
Gama: Magic Cookie Bird
Morganthe: Miss. Spider Woman Whose spiders I wanna squish
Efreet: Geine Of Evil Epicness
Daila: Madame Epicness
Berine: Mr. Fire Tree-Tree
Lord Nightshade: Mr. Gifty-Gifty

Feb 07, 2011
wizardrokz on May 31, 2013 wrote:
Here comes Angie D the wizard who rokz with her weird nicknames not only with bosses!

Malistaire: Mally (borrowed from Dr Von)
Morganthe: Morgan-the evil
Jabberwock: The annoyance
Malistaire the undying: Zombie Mally
Krokopatra: Patty
Mindy pixiecrown: Squeakers (That one was kinda mean, no offense to mindy)
Cyrus: Proffesor Snape
Halston Balestrom: Sir ribbit
Belladonna crisp: Bellatrix
Luska: Loo Loo Loony

lol, i'm flattered!

some of those are really good!
you guys have all posted some funny ones,
so i'll add my own...

professor balestrom=the frog
malistaire=mally/my undead boy-friend (giggle)
morganthe=morgayonnaise (because she has the personality of egg mayo, lol);
sylster glowstorm=stabby
the dragon titan=mr. fluffy (because we all know he's really cute and cuddly);
nergal=kitty (see above)
belladonna crisp=bellatrix/crispy

note: missing from this list are some of the cheating bosses, who have likely been called names that no sane person should ever repeat, on these forums or anywhere else.

/my 2 cents,
laura vb.

aka laura shadowsong, el veeb, veebs, von, mrs. mally the undying, dr. von awesomestein, and several other names.

promethean and ,
removes ice cream from all enemies.

Mar 12, 2013
I think about five different people have asked me to farm Halfang Brislecrown with them this week, and each one had their own special malaprop name for him: Halfwit, Halfdane, Sad Sack Squarepants, Daddy Warbucks, etc.

A lot of the cheesy viking names these guys get lend themselves well to being distorted into something funny or ribald.

Whenever I see a helephant boss or oni boss I think Trilok Gurtu because a lot of them are named Gurtok something-or-other. And when they start attacking, the damage indeed drums down on you fast and furious.