Hi, so I recently started a new life wizard and got a quest from my professor, but when i went to go start the quest it there wasn't a quest there. Is there anything I could do? I've logged off my account completely and it still won't show up.
The quest in which you speak of My Re-Generation hands down has to be one of my all time favorite quests in the game :D Now, in addition to being level 28, you must have done a previous side quest given in Krokotopia (see why it's important not to ignore side quests?!) called The Missing Gem. The quest involves you returning to Dr. Gordon Flemming in Royal Hall. Speak to him, complete his task and Moolinda should have something for you to do.
First off... make sure you have completed all of your school quests. Clear the questbook, leaving only your main quest. If you're still having this issue, contact KI. Sometimes glitches like this happen. However, there is the occasional bug where your professor will claim to have a spell for you even though they don't. But you are level 28 and due for Regenerate, so I don't think the latter is right. Good luck!