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NPC that Sells Trap Cards?

Jan 11, 2010
I bought a trap card for myth when that was my secondary class, but I switched secondary classes, and now I can't remember where or who I bought the trap card from, can anyone please help.


May 27, 2009
I think the Bazaar has trap cards for sale, or either the Wizard City or Krok Librarians sell Treasure Cards.

Mar 08, 2009
Willowdreamer, I could be mistaken, but I don't think Gooficus was asking about Treasure Trap Cards.

I think Gooficus was asking about which NPC can teach your character the Trap Spells. As in when you learn a Spell and it becomes a permanent addition to your SpellBook.

At least that is how I read the question. At the moment I am drawing a blank in recalling the NPC.

May 22, 2009
I am not sure where you can train on myth trap, but you may want to try the trainer near Mindy Pixiecrown on Colossal Blv. It is the house in the small cud de sac and it is not lit up, so it looks like you can't enter.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 50 Life

May 27, 2009
Well, Mildred Farseer in Colossus only "sells" or "trains" Life Trap, not Myth Trap. Unless he was talking about Niles the Balance Tree, who trains Elemental Trap = Myth, Death and Life....

Aug 12, 2009
Gooficus wrote:
I bought a trap card for myth when that was my secondary class, but I switched secondary classes, and now I can't remember where or who I bought the trap card from, can anyone please help.


The regular Myth trap is from Cyrus Drake, the Myth Professor. Go to the Myth school to get it, but be aware that it will cost three training points to get to that level to buy that spell.

Now, if you are wanting the Spirit Trap card, which includes a Myth, Death, and Life trap then you need to go to Niles, the Balance tree at the Krokosphinx.

You can also buy an amulet with another myth trap on it(2 cards of it,) or get it as a drop. The amulet is called Swiftarrow's Necklace.

Mar 03, 2009
I've never played a Myth character, so I'm not real sure where to get a single Myth trap. However, the tree in Krokotopia (Bartelby maybe?) has the triple life/myth/death trap spell. He also has the triple blade spell for those schools. They each cost one pip to cast.

To find the tree that sells these, go to Krok and take the boat. He is on the island that it goes to.
