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Ode to the Stinkweed

Dec 26, 2013
Alas, the poor Stinkweed. Disliked and ostracized by all of the other plants. Hated so much that these other plants will pout and grow at a slower rate if he's even in their immediate vicinity. The Stinkweed, the leper of the W101 plant world. And yet this despised and misunderstood plant provides so much. He's dependable and easy to care for. He never develops more than a 2nd level pest. All he ever needs is water and maybe a little music now and then. And yet, he's almost always guaranteed to drop a Smokescreen or a Poison TC. And sometimes even a Pierce, or Feint, or Tower or even a Steal Charm. And he doesn't ask for much in the way of decoration either. He's happy with your standard run-of-the-mill Garden Gnome or even just some Litter. So for a measly investment of 26 energy at most, a grouping of 9 of these little guys will reward you with booty worth literally thousands in gold. Not a bad deal for such a maligned member of the Wiz101 botanical community. Not to mention the fun just sitting back and watching (and listening) to their actions.
I am proud to call myself a member of the Wizard 101 Citizens for Stinkweed fan club!

Jan 21, 2014
This made me cry

I have this same opinion, and i had even 9 of these little dudes that gave me litteraly 2,000 gold everytime i mass harvested them (don't even get me started with elder harvest!) but alas, my other plants gave me more responsibility, needs and pests, and unfortunatly *chokes on need to cry* they all wilted on the same day because of water needs...

i remember reviving them every day and still them dying because of insuficient energy, but now i have more, and i think i'll start again with the mass harvesting, but i also propose something...

Let's made a friend for stinkweed!
Her name (some stinky plant love ) would be "rotten tomatoes" she would like the stinkweed and he would like her back, it would be a upright plant with 3 divisions (at different levels) having 3 tomatoes and one would have a face (with lipstick ). Also the apperance would be that the tomatoes are rotten with brownish spots. Now stinkweed gives offensive spells, but rotten tomatoes would give helping spells for you're self or team! she would need a medium plot wiht no enchantment. And as the stinkweed, she would multiply so we could make money, and her pests would be rank 2. Unfortunatly, no one else would like her, but the stinkweed
please bartelby! use the song of creaton to make a friend for poor old stinkweed!
Isaac GoldHeart lvl 29

Aug 07, 2012
I totally agree with you. I plant them in a section far away from the others but the rewards are great for minimal upkeep. And they make me laugh.

Apr 07, 2012
I vote yes for rotten tomatoes as we all should. Passer by readers you should encourage this useful plant to. This gives a green thumbs up to the least and most uncaring gardener. so let's vote and cheer for rotten tomatoes. Chip chip hooray!