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Order of Balance

Sep 20, 2009
Hey to all you Balance Wizards out there! In honor of my favorite and in my opinion the best school, i have created this post for BALANCE WIZARDS to talk Balance. Post any questions, problems, or just comments on balance. I would love to here wat you Sorcerers want to say! Please Note: This Post is for Adminastrators of KI and Balance Wizards and if you must i would love to hear anything else other wizards want to say.

May 20, 2010
I wasn't aware that non KingsIsle staff could dictate who can or cannot post in a thread.

I like Balance. It has a lot of useful unique spells.

Jan 01, 2010
Colagada, I am guessing the poster was hoping for a Balance only forum to discuss issues faced by Balance wizards and to try to avoid the Balance bashing that tends to occur all too often!

At any rate, Balance is one of my favorite schools! I just got my level 48 spell last week. The play can be much more complex than some of the other schools given the variety of spells. Also, since there is no prism it creates interesting challenges against Balance enemies (that's the only time I use by Elemental minion).

My biggest problem is there is no way of throwing of weakness without triggering all our blades and traps. Does anyone know how to deal with this? Otherwise, I will continue to just suffer.

Also, my Balance wizard is currently all Balance, no secondary schools (other than the healer card which everyone is given). Was waiting to see what Celestia has to offer and may go for Aura school but would appreciate thoughts on that. Should I not bother with the Aura school enhancements and go for Feint and/or Satyr? Any thoughts appreciated!

May 15, 2009
yea this thread may be hidden or locked because you are constricting freedom of speech which of course is against the law

any1 can post on any thread that is allowed if they wish but it has to remain on topic
but you can NOT tell who may and may not post here as that would break the rights of freedom of speech

May 09, 2010
Nov 24, 2009
Feb 09, 2009
Response to addisoncrawford:

In my case, I usually just use Balance spells when playing as a Sorcerer. Since Balance favors Elemental schools (and my secondary is Storm), I try to get a wand with Spiritual cards (Death, Life, or Myth) so that weakness has less of a chance of ruining my attack. Of course if you have BalanceBlade or Bladestorm casted on you, or if you casted Hex on the only attackable monster, you're in a bit of a pickle, but that's the weakness of Balance. Hopefully this is a solution to your problem.

Jan 21, 2010
Thechaosmagician wrote:
yea this thread may be hidden or locked because you are constricting freedom of speech which of course is against the law

any1 can post on any thread that is allowed if they wish but it has to remain on topic
but you can NOT tell who may and may not post here as that would break the rights of freedom of speech

Against the law? Where? Freedom of speech allows any one to say anything, including telling people what they can and cannot do. Fortunately you can ignore them if you want to.
The fact that the moderators allowed this thread to get posted, means that they think that the first post passed the terms of service.

It is a shame about the traps and blades always triggering. The dog in ravenwood did say that balance is more challanging than the other schools.

Apr 03, 2010
Thechaosmagician wrote:
yea this thread may be hidden or locked because you are constricting freedom of speech which of course is against the law

any1 can post on any thread that is allowed if they wish but it has to remain on topic
but you can NOT tell who may and may not post here as that would break the rights of freedom of speech

Um, no that is not against the law...

if anyone here ever posted ANYTHING against the law, it makes total sense that KI would post it! yeah!

May 15, 2009
freedom of speech has more than 1 meaning
have you ever of heard of segregation?
thats what i am implying
he is saying only balance students can post here which of course if he tried to enforce this
it would be against the freedom of speech as he would be trying to "censor" what other people have to say

Jul 07, 2010
I for one am greatful for this post or forum for balance questions. As I have encountered many wizards who are let's say rude to the questions I seek.
First, I have questions regarding PVP for my balance wizard. I am level 50 and would like to know how to set my deck properly in order to have a fighting chance in PVP. I bought a deck of Perfect harmony just for PVP purposes. I have upgraded some of my GEAR to increase shielding and strength as well as power pips and health. So if anyone can help me in any way as far as deck setting or anything else, it would be most appreicated. My secondary school is life - with a few spells for fire and death which i rarely use as I am mainly Balance and Life.

Alura Winterblossom
Grand Master Socerer

Sep 20, 2009
Thechaosmagician wrote:
freedom of speech has more than 1 meaning
have you ever of heard of segregation?
thats what i am implying
he is saying only balance students can post here which of course if he tried to enforce this
it would be against the freedom of speech as he would be trying to "censor" what other people have to say

Well Sorry! You didnt have to be so harsh. I was only inplying that this post is for Balance Wizards. I can't censor other peoples messages. I don't really care if a Life or Myth wizard wants to post something. I as myself am a fair person as i do respect all the schools. So please, dont be so harsh.

Jun 05, 2009
Apr 04, 2010
Well, lemme tell ALL of you guys one thing. I LOVE BALANCE LOL! So many buffs, AWESOME cheese ball (Power Nova) and the one... the only... JUDGEMENT! Thats all

Dec 19, 2008
Jun 06, 2009
mychiller wrote:
Yea go Balance and Btw what is balance's Best secondary?

Balance is the School that this following statement most applies to: the School doesn't need true secondary Schools.

I recommend getting Feint from Death (you'll pick up a few good Attack Spells), then getting TowerShield from Ice, then proceed to get Satyr from Life (you'll pick up SpiritArmor, Sprite, and Seraph), then spend the remaining Training Point on something from an Astral School (I recommend Stellar Magic, for an Aura).

Dec 15, 2010
I am now a level 35 Balance sorcerer and I very much like this school and see no reason to change. :P Some of my observations are below.

Having read these boards, I have also picked up 5 spell levels in life (for team play) and two in Death (so far). They've been working well for me (your experience may vary). I especially like the reliability of the schools spells (Life too). Good tactics and cooperative allies can make a very formidable team.

I would also say that the best virtue for a Balance Wizard is PATIENCE. If you feel you have to do damage every round this is not the school for you. My favorite tactic is to put up shielding spells, lay spell traps and then fire off 3-4 pip spells.

The Helpful Mander is very good for keeping me supplied with pips for spells. Having acquired a staff and wand (Life & Myth with 80 point damage, and 0 pips) I seldom equip level 1 spells. That way I can wear down the opponents & shield myself (and allies) while waiting to drop the hammer. Sandstorm is great for weakening all the foes at once so my friends can pick them off.

I found I can hold my own fairly well. As for the rest, I'm working on that...

"No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style" Vlad Taltos.