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Apr 24, 2009
I know that KI made the choice about the enchanted treasure cards and not wanting anyone from lower schools to get a hold of those cards which is a good idea BUT there comes the fact that with the new pet combining system that I saw someone with a Storm Orthrus and it had the Myth Orthrus card on it. So what is the point to ban enchanted treasure cards to not give other players that arent a certain school to play those cards now I am not saying I dont agree with KI's decision BUT all someone has to do is find a Myth person and combine their pet with the Orthrus and they get a mixed pet with chances are a Orthrus card and this would be a low level wizard to and all they have to do is use that in PVP. IF KI doesnt want low levels to have high level spells due to the enchanted treasure cards than why let them be able to have access to the Orthrus card with the pet combining system? The Orthrus card is the only pet and card that is not a level 42 spell and cant be gained by anything else but the level 48th Myth Quest. Why be able to give this pet and card to lower levels also when you combine with other pets? The best fix for this I think is for people to not be able to combine the Orthrus with any other pets because then when low Myth wizards get a Orthrus pet than what would be the point to run the level 48th Quest as they would already have an Orthrus card and probably wouldnt need any more.

Mar 06, 2009
Jan 27, 2009
to get the pet you have to mix a stormzilla and an orthrus so even though you get the pet that gives orthrus you need to allready have done your level 48 quest to get it.

Oct 26, 2009
thunderbird120 wrote:
to get the pet you have to mix a stormzilla and an orthrus so even though you get the pet that gives orthrus you need to allready have done your level 48 quest to get it.

He's right. That person already did the work and spent a TON of gold.

May 19, 2009
Like it matters.. paying one hundred thousand gold just to get one card. That hardly defeats the purpose of getting rid of trading enchanted treasure cards.

so this topic fails.