I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonusses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
Just because one person doesn't like something doesn't mean they are going to change it. I play storm do not have a mastery amulet plan to get one but i use the may cast pixie on anyone to stay alive sometimes... If they do your idea then they might as well take casting from other schools out all together. You cant pick which spells you think others should be able to use. It has to be all usable or not at all. Plus really a 450 plus a bit more heal is messing u up that bad.. Give me a break sad...
seasnake wrote:
I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonusses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonusses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
Maybe I'm confused with your complaint....but you can use treasures to cast Sprite, Pixie, Satyr, Regenerate and Rebirth on others (always have, even before mastery amulets). However, the Pixie obtained from the Unicorn Way quest, was the one other schools could not cast on others. Is that the pixie you are referring to? If so, it doesn't have anything to do with the bazaar or treasure stores.
There are a couple of different pixie/fairy spells, and I think I know what the OP is talking about, but first let me clarify the difference between them.
Sprite: This is the heal-over-time spell. Life students learn this from Moolinda Wu at Level 10. Other students can learn it from her for training points. It's also available as a treasure card from the library in Wizard City or Krokotopia.
Pixie: This spell gives 400 health to self only. This is the spell non-life students get from the quest on Unicorn Way. There are treasure cards for it that get dropped by enemies, etc., so you can probably find it at the bazaar, but it's not for sale in the libraries.
Fairy: This spell gives 420 health to anyone. This is the spell life students get on Unicorn Way. Only life students can learn Fairy, and only non-life students can learn Pixie. Fairy treasure cards are for sale in the libraries.
Now I think, but I'm not sure, that something changed recently in the game. I could have sworn that you used to be able to but Pixies in the libraries, and now they've changed it so you can buy Fairies instead.
So my guess is that seasnake is a Life student who's a little bit jealous that now everyone has easy access to the Fairy spell. I see where he's coming from, but as an ice student with life as my secondary -- and yes, I bought an amulet, but that really doesn't have anything to do with this -- it's nice to have that Fairy spell to heal my friends instead of having to save my pips for Satyr.
Umm....... I'm a bit confused. Pixie is obtained in unicorn way from a quest and its self-only unless your life. So your saying that they should be removed from the bazaar? Your post is like saying all healing spells should be removed from the bazaar. Your also saying that you cant use any treasure cards that arent your school...which would probably ruin using treasure cards anyway. Well, thats what it sounds like you mean, cause you said school only spells should remain that way. Whats next? Removing minions from the bazaar?
I think the OP means Fairy, which is the Life School equivalent of Pixie. (Life gets Fairy which is 420 healing to anyone versus Pixie which is 400 healing to self). however don't see the problem with other schools being able to cast another healing spell on anyone they choose. Won't it help keep others in a group alive? I think this is just another rant on schools no longer being special. Like how the Diviners cry b/c other schools have really powerful spells. Or Pyromancers whine that other schools can cast DOT spells. Now the Theurgists get to complain that Life school isn't the only ones that can heal other people.
I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonusses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
Pixie is not a 'school only' spell. Those are the ones you earn by questing. Pixie is given to everyone anyway. The sprite can be trained by anyone who chooses Life as a secondary/third school.
To say that all healing spells should be life only is just silly.
I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonusses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
There is a huge difference between Fairy and Pixie. Pixie can not be cast on others, therefore, your request is granted.
Fairy however, can be cast to heal others. Now, not sure why you have a problem with others being able to heal someone else, if you had a bobble head, I am sure you would appreciate someone healing you.
Now I think, but I'm not sure, that something changed recently in the game. I could have sworn that you used to be able to but Pixies in the libraries, and now they've changed it so you can buy Fairies instead.
katiebex, your post is spot on in almost every way; it is a pleasure to see someone actually paying attention to the details.
One small detail, however, is that healing Treasure Cards have always been in the game. They used to be a little harder to come by, and more expensive, but the Bazaar has taken that away from almost everything, so healing is not unique in this regard. I don't foresee Kings Isle making any changes in that area.
As a dedicated healer, and my Life character being the single favorite of them all for me, I can tell you that many elements of the game made me feel more and more like Life school had little purpose in the game. Since being a really good healer requires some fairly uncommon traits in the player, I wrote it off as yet another niche I was in that had to be minimized to further the enjoyment of the masses.
But I don't feel that way anymore. Frankly -- I'm still in demand. And on the big dungeons, I still know many folks who simply will not go in without a Life wizard. Many of them won't take just any Life Wizard -- I've been quizzed at the door to Water Works before I was welcome to provide what I consider to be my rather proficient healing services.
Things that made Life healers less valuable in the game:
* Bazaar making heal cards easer to get * Bazaar making heal cards cheaper to get * Bazaar making Keen Eyes cheaper to get * Healing pets * Life Mastery Amulets
And yet, my presence is still requested by many.
So it didn't make my school useless, but it did modify when, where, and how it was useful.
Dare I go out on a limb and say the same is true of most of the other schools? Mastery Amulets affect us all. I, for example, do not require a Fire Wizard to be perfectly comfortable in Helephant. I buy Quench at the Bazaar or Library, put on my Fire Mastery Amulet, and I become the Quench Wench (or Quench Wrench for the overly-gender-sensitive amongst us) in addition to my healer duties.
Everyone has reason to complain about the Bazaar and Mastery Amulets. But we all also have a reason to celebrate.
So I guess, like most things, it comes down to this:
Is the glass half empty, or is it half full?
I say it's full. It just happens to be half full of air. For some, mostly hot air.
I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonusses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
Just because you don't like that others have Fairy, doesn't mean they should remove it. I understand your frustration, truly I do. I believe it's better that everyone can get one, sure Life people like me may find pride in the need to be a healing tank. But it gets annoying after a while, so now that everyone can have Fairy, Life Wizards don't need to waste their pips/ use their pips to heal, AND everyone has a fair chance to heal others, with a small amount of pips.
Now I think, but I'm not sure, that something changed recently in the game. I could have sworn that you used to be able to but Pixies in the libraries, and now they've changed it so you can buy Fairies instead.
katiebex, your post is spot on in almost every way; it is a pleasure to see someone actually paying attention to the details.
Thanks for the kind words.
I should clarify that I've only been playing for about 2 months, and I have two characters -- the main one is only lvl 36 in Mooshu (the other one's still in Wizard City). So I have no idea what life was like before the bazaar, and I have no idea how things work in the super-dungeons like Waterworks. I also don't PvP.
But I don't really see what the bazaar has to do with any of this. You can find a whole slew of treasure cards in the bazaar... spells that anyone can learn, spells that only life school can learn, spells that only myth school can learn, even spells that no one can learn (enemy drops like Krokotillian).
I can see what you're saying that the bazaar made it easier/cheaper to get these treasure cards, but it's certainly not a life-school only "problem," or a Fairy only problem. There's no reason to fix this "problem" though... the whole point of the bazaar is so that I can sell the stuff I don't need/want, and if someone else benefits from that, great!
Where the original poster does have a point though, is that as far as I can tell, Fairy is the only school-specific spell that's available from Harold Argleston and Zann'e. That makes it even easier for non-life students to obtain, and like I said, I'm fairly certain that this was a recent change in the game.
So I do see why Life students might feel slighted when it comes to the Fairy card in the libraries (but not the bazaar, mastery amulets, etc.). But please don't take it away from me. :P
I think the OP means Fairy, which is the Life School equivalent of Pixie. (Life gets Fairy which is 420 healing to anyone versus Pixie which is 400 healing to self). however don't see the problem with other schools being able to cast another healing spell on anyone they choose. Won't it help keep others in a group alive?
Yes, and yes. Pixie isn't a school-only spell, but Fairy is, and it sounds like the original poster is a little jealous, now that everyone has access to that heal.
I understand where you're coming from, OP. My first wizard was a sorcerer, and I'm annoyed that my Availing Hands heal has been made available on crowns-only gear; I feel a bit cheated, in that sense, because it really doesn't seem fair that anyone who drops the cash can suddenly access a spell that I busted my hump for at level 55 (and I'm sure Life wizards felt the same way about that crowns-gear with Rebirth attached, because they actually had to work for it).
That all said, treasure cards are a little different than quest spells. Those have always been accessible to anyone- Sestiva (my Storm wiz) has Life as a secondary, but her health is so low that I've stacked her treasure-deck with Fairies and Pixies as well.
VioletPadfoot wrote:
I think this is just another rant on schools no longer being special. Like how the Diviners cry b/c other schools have really powerful spells. Or Pyromancers whine that other schools can cast DOT spells. Now the Theurgists get to complain that Life school isn't the only ones that can heal other people.
Storm and Ice are the only schools with no healing (aside from Pixie). The others, to my knowledge, have always been able to- Myth can sacrifice minions for health, Balance has Healing/Availing Hands, Death uses Sacrifice and drain spells, Fire has Power Link... and, on top of that, there are pets that heal. I think people just like whining. :P
I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonusses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
I'll support your idea just so long as they also take away the damage spells that Life get after Centaur (Gomest and Forest Lord). How on earth am I, a lowly storm wizard, supposed to both heal myself and hit without a mastery amulet?
I'm sick and tired of playing Mirror Lake with Life players who refuse to heal and will only hit.
So if you want to make it much harder for me to stay alive, I'll support it, just so long as KI make life wizards do what they were intended to do - heal.
I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonuses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
I'll support your idea just so long as they also take away the damage spells that Life get after Centaur (Gomest and Forest Lord). How on earth am I, a lowly storm wizard, supposed to both heal myself and hit without a mastery amulet?
I'm sick and tired of playing Mirror Lake with Life players who refuse to heal and will only hit.
So if you want to make it much harder for me to stay alive, I'll support it, just so long as KI make life wizards do what they were intended to do - heal.
You are failing to realize that not all Life wizards are created for the convenience of other wizards to be able to survive the game. May I also remind you that all wizards are given a Sprite spell early on in the game, have access to treasure cards for health and can choose to use their pips on that and many refuse when they know a Life wizard should waste theirs on healing them.
The one time I played life support with my Life wizard was the first time I went though Water Works and that was only because I was unaware how that event went and I preferred to just tag along rather then fight. This is not to say that I have never thrown a friend a sprite ever before but I never played to game to be used by others.
In the end all wizards that do not have friends at their disposal all the time need to be able to defend them selves or the game would go very slowly and constant defeat would be annoying. Since I soloed most all the game with my Life wizard once my friends dropped off in Mooshu it would be very unfair that I could not continue the game.
I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonusses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
I'll support your idea just so long as they also take away the damage spells that Life get after Centaur (Gomest and Forest Lord). How on earth am I, a lowly storm wizard, supposed to both heal myself and hit without a mastery amulet?
I'm sick and tired of playing Mirror Lake with Life players who refuse to heal and will only hit.
So if you want to make it much harder for me to stay alive, I'll support it, just so long as KI make life wizards do what they were intended to do - heal.
Seasnake, I disagree with you on removing the Pixie or Fairy from the libraries or bazaar. I have a legendary life but I also have all other schools except Ice. Those healing spells have been a life saver more times than I can count for all of my wizards. Not everyone plays with other wizards or teams and they should be able to get some heal when they need it. The only time My life wizards do heal when I am playing with someone else, but they also FIGHT.
AmericanHappy, I really hope your comment is meant in a sarcastic way, because if KI were to start removing Forest Lord and Gnomes from our spell decks, I think the life wizards would all be a little if not a lot UPSET. I know I would because my life wizards have worked hard for those spells.
At first I was ticked when ki released Masteries and Life got abused. Then I looked back and discoverd the evil applications of the Myth Mastery for Life.
I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonusses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
I'll support your idea just so long as they also take away the damage spells that Life get after Centaur (Gomest and Forest Lord). How on earth am I, a lowly storm wizard, supposed to both heal myself and hit without a mastery amulet?
I'm sick and tired of playing Mirror Lake with Life players who refuse to heal and will only hit.
So if you want to make it much harder for me to stay alive, I'll support it, just so long as KI make life wizards do what they were intended to do - heal.
Whether I'm questing with my theurgist, sorcerer, or necro, it is NOT my responsibility to keep you alive. Unless we are in a group dungeon, and have agreed in advance which one of us will be the designated healer, it's unfair to expect that they'll have your back every, single time.
I've gone on dungeon runs with Life wizards who like to attack; as a sorcerer, I don't mind taking on the healer's role, because I can do the same job, just as effectively. We are all given heals before leaving Wizard City- it's on you to keep them handy.
I do have a Storm wizard without a mastery amulet, so I do feel your pain there. But, between Life as a secondary, treasure heals, and my plan to train Ice to Tower, she's doing just fine without it.
Once again, OP- Fairy is not a quest spell, like Rebirth or Availing Hands- it's a variation of Pixie, and has always been available to everyone as a TC (yes, I contradicted myself).
I'm okay with people using treasure versions of my spells- if you're a necromancer soloing the Crown of Fire, you'll want AOEs (like Sandstorm or Tempest) to take out the minions easily... So, by all means, use my spells in Treasure form, or buy an amulet at the bazaar. They exist for that purpose- to help all of us in same-school battles (I don't know about the other schools, but fights between 2 sorcerers can literally go on for hours).
That said, if you're a necro soloing the Crown and are wearing a crowns-only outfit that gives you Power Nova or Rebirth for free... unlike TCs, it gives you *permanent* access to spells that you haven't earned, and those of us who actually worked for those spells are going to be pretty steamed that you got them without any blood, sweat, or tears on your part.
Ok.. I have Storm and Fire Transcendeds.. Life Legend and a Death Transcended to, but Death self heals so I'm leaving her out of this conversation. What, it seems to me, you are saying is that my girls who solo more often than not should not be able to buy those healing treasure cards to keep themselves alive. Unless things have changed that drastically since I last logged in, Pixie is self only.. always has been.. the treasure card too. The one cast on others is Fairy.
There is more to Life than Healing, and I feel that now people rely less on Healers so that Life person can really "show off" now. Is that really a bad thing? I've seen Life students complain ALOT about being begged, told, yelled at, etc... to heal. Is it so wrong for that *insert school here* to be able to cast Satyr or Regenerate so the Life right next to her/him can Centaur or Forest Lord that Death boss? Give and take.. that's what this game is about. Taking care of each other... Why should I make that Life person over there heal me when they have a full setup for Forest Lord? As long as I don't get that one way ticket to the common area I don't really care who takes out the bad guys... first come first served unless someone specifies a certain bad guy...
Sorry, went off on a rant there.... Point.. Pixie and other healing cards in the bazaar is not really a bad thing. It allows solo artists like me to be free from relying on another person.
I think life school's pixie card should be removed from the bazaar and card shops. The ability to cast pixie upon others was always a life school only thing, and now a large amount of players are using life amulets and loading their treasures with pixies and unicorns and even rebirths and often with huge outgoing and incoming bonusses. The school mastery amulets were supposed to make casting spells of other schools cheaper to cast, and not to give all of the other schools the access to school only spells. School only special spells should be kept school only.
even with a normal card all schools have the ability to cast ,sprite and sytr on others so im not getting how all this ties into pixie
Thanks to all of you that chose to respond to my earlier response to Seasnake.
I think the point I was obviously trying to make is that removing Fairy from the game because it is considered to be a "school only" spell is an idea I disagree with.
There are many treasure cards that would then need to be removed - such as insane and wild bolt - they are both storm only spells yet other players are able to use them to their advantage. What about hex? That also needs to come out along with Feint and dragon blade.
While Seasnake may be frustrated that Life wizards are no longer a "must have" by many players when entering tough dungeons etc, I don't think the answer is to remove content.
I would also like to pick up something that one of the people noted when responding to my earlier post - that is that life wizards are not there to heal me. I agree - although we can all agree that life wizards have a lot of healing spells in their school, which might implie that healing others is something Melinda expects her students to engage in.
If life is not designed to heal others, than neither is storm designed to hit. In fact, I'm already starting to play a lot more selfishly in the game - especially when playing with life wizards who only hit. I'll shield myself, blade, heal myself, trap, and pip up before I decide to hit. And I'll do this all while having the ability to heal the life wizard who decided to Forest Lord without enough blades and is now getting whacked by all the mobs.
Now, if a life wizard has healed others and is playing as a good team member, of course I'll heal them. But if they are being selfish (not just them, but any player) than I'll happily look after myself and make sure I can heal and defend myself - whether I can cast Fairy with two pips or four or not at all.
Before you respond to this - please ask yourself whether I'm being unreasonable - if you don't want Life magic to be in prolific use by other players, than you must also agree that other school spells should not be used by others - so that means no ice shields Mr/Ms Life Wizard!
Now, if a life wizard has healed others and is playing as a good team member, of course I'll heal them. But if they are being selfish (not just them, but any player) than I'll happily look after myself and make sure I can heal and defend myself - whether I can cast Fairy with two pips or four or not at all.
Good points in your entire post, but I wouldn't articulate all Life Wizards that primarily attack in groups as selfish. Some of them might be inadvertently doing that, because those Life Wizards traditionally solo and the mindset doesn't change when doing the occasional dungeon (especially the hard ones). So they may not be doing that on purpose.
Additionally, there have been a couple of times with my Life Wizard that I went into a group battle with my solo deck instead of my healing deck and could really only attack, besides a fairy or two. I honestly try to heal the group, instead of attack with my Life Wizard, but when I pull a Leeroy Jenkins moment, I will attack to contribute something.
I agree with those who do not want them to be removed. I use them really as well of self healing on all of my characters. These allow me to free up some space in my deck.
Now, if a life wizard has healed others and is playing as a good team member, of course I'll heal them. But if they are being selfish (not just them, but any player) than I'll happily look after myself and make sure I can heal and defend myself - whether I can cast Fairy with two pips or four or not at all.
Good points in your entire post, but I wouldn't articulate all Life Wizards that primarily attack in groups as selfish. Some of them might be inadvertently doing that, because those Life Wizards traditionally solo and the mindset doesn't change when doing the occasional dungeon (especially the hard ones). So they may not be doing that on purpose.
Additionally, there have been a couple of times with my Life Wizard that I went into a group battle with my solo deck instead of my healing deck and could really only attack, besides a fairy or two. I honestly try to heal the group, instead of attack with my Life Wizard, but when I pull a Leeroy Jenkins moment, I will attack to contribute something.
I think this post does explain my Life wizard to a tee. She was my first wizard and unaware of how the game was even played and not getting told in the beginning that she would be considered the "game healer" I played her like any other wizard I could of made. As I made friends a long the way I found I had to be the killer to avoid others from being defeated, it never occurred to me that I was suppose to keep them a live so they could kill. As these friends dropped off around my level 40 I became a solo fighter. I prefer to run sun spot so I am in total control of the battles and unless I join a battle when someone has asked for help I plan to defeat the monster before you even need any healing, yours or mine. I run my deck with 2 Sprites and one Satyr (which I rarely ever have had to use). The only time I played life support was the first few times I did Waterworks since I preferred to run along behind and was told a life wizard was suppose to keep the team alive to complete it, needless to say that was the only times that was done, my spells were needed to move this horrible dungeon along or we spent way to much time in there.
So to my mind set my Life wizard is a killer not a healer which is only fair, I spent quite a bit of energy and time on having her clad in the best gear and set my deck up so that one hit fights are possible. I have crafted the helmet from Wintertusk and have other Balance blades, high damage in my gear and Colossus so by the forth round Forest Lord is ready to go.