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Players who help

Jul 16, 2012
I always find people who help me a lot in battles, quests, and leveling up that i don't even know. I think it is so kind of them to help. I remember one time I was defeated in a pvp and one of the players on my team had healed me when he had his one healing spell when he was also low on hit points. I was able to heal everyone, being a ,and we won. It was the best! Name the times that you never forgot when someone helped you a lot for anything!!

Feb 07, 2011
firewizard101205 on Oct 29, 2013 wrote:
I always find people who help me a lot in battles, quests, and leveling up that i don't even know. I think it is so kind of them to help. I remember one time I was defeated in a pvp and one of the players on my team had healed me when he had his one healing spell when he was also low on hit points. I was able to heal everyone, being a ,and we won. It was the best! Name the times that you never forgot when someone helped you a lot for anything!!
I love stories like this! Evil (or half-evil) though Dr. Von may be, she still likes a happy-feel-good story now and again!

Over the past year, I've become good friends with a few people from these boards. Last Christmas, I was going through a rough patch IRL and came home from work one night to a message from one of my wizard-sisters: it said, "go to the site and put this code in".

I did as the message said and discovered that, to my complete surprise, she had gifted me a bundle that she knew I wanted and, at that time, wasn't available in my area. I immediately called her up and offered to pay her back, but she said not to worry about it and that she hoped things got better soon (they did).

Even now, I'm still overwhelmed by her kindness. Her gesture reminded me that there are good people out there~ people who do nice things, because they are good people: not because they expect anything in return. She doesn't play much anymore, though we are still in touch outside of the game and I still consider her a very good friend.

Be it grand gestures like this one, or simply offering to help someone in need, kindness makes the world go 'round!


Feb 26, 2012
Yes, when you meet these kinds of players it is really a delight. When I was a total newbie, another experienced player took me under her wing and really taught me how to play, and helped a lot. She was always happy to come help if I was in need, and helped me learn how to hatch pets too. This kind of play actually really got me involved in the game too, and got me to be a helper as well. Thanks for sharing your story.

Nov 17, 2012
I have a friend just like this. He gets bored with his quest quite often and always shows up when I ask for help. It is extremely helpful when people are there for you because you can't always beat a boss on your own, whether in real life or not.

P.S. FinnAgainWindrider and Dr. Von have to be about my two favorite people on the message boards. They always have something constructive to contribute to the conversation.

Jun 02, 2013
I agree 100%. Players who help each other out are worth mentioning, but when a friendship is created, even if only for the purposes of gaming, that is awesome imo. I predominantly play solo and would love to find others to group up with specifically for progression play. I realize that coming into a game new after its five year existence is difficult, but I don't feel impossible, and I will continue to play while trying to think positive.

My main character is currently stuck on progression in Celestia at Sanctum of The Stars and so I will have to wait for my family to level their toons, I feel, before I can move on.

Gabriel Legendary Necromancer
Brahm Spellbreaker Legendary Sorcerer

Feb 26, 2012
KKoop3 on Nov 3, 2013 wrote:
I have a friend just like this. He gets bored with his quest quite often and always shows up when I ask for help. It is extremely helpful when people are there for you because you can't always beat a boss on your own, whether in real life or not.

P.S. FinnAgainWindrider and Dr. Von have to be about my two favorite people on the message boards. They always have something constructive to contribute to the conversation.
Wow, thanks KKoop3! Such a kind thing to say, and you put me in such good company too!

Aug 21, 2009

I became friends with a girl when I asked her for help in one the Mooshu Dungeons. The thing is that she always ported to me to help me. Sometimes I felt like I needed to return the favor but she never seemed to need help and I always thought that the friendship was one sided. xD Sometimes I would see that her level was low and when I asked her why was that, she responded that she had not been able to level up because she was helping several people. It has been a long time since she was online and I am very sad that she doesn't come to play as often as she did.

This kind of people are worth GOLD!

Jan 11, 2012
I have one player, who I am forever in her debt. She let me friend all 8 of her characters in case I needed help. She has been a huge help to me without ever asking anything in return. I have made her aware that if she ever needs help, she only needs to ask. it's VERY nice to see those who go out of their way to help others!