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Portals in castles

Aug 15, 2012
I placed a portal in one of my castles and placed another in one of my other castles; however, I can not transport castle to castle. Does anyone know what I did wrong and how to correct this. Thanking you in advance. Phyllis


Teleporters have an entrance and an exit.
When you first place a Teleporter through your Decorating Panel, you are marking its exit, then you will be prompted to place the Teleporter down so it can become the entrance.

You can place the entrance and exit in the same home.
You can also place the the exit in one home, and the Teleporter in another home, but that character must own both homes, because to do this, you must place the exit, unequip the current house, equip the other house and recall to it to place the Teleporter.
