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Power Jump

Jun 25, 2012
A week ago, I was aiming for level 45 because I really wanted to use a sword for a wand. A few days ago I got to it, but more than me having an extra power pip at the beginning of a round happened. When I was level 44 I didn't get very many power pips, my spells were fairly weak, and overall I was just not very powerful. But when I got to level 45 my new gear didn't help a little, but a lot. I started getting power pips almost every round, had a much bigger deck of cards, and was much more powerful. I was wondering if anyone else had a power jump like this through level 44 and 45 too?

Level 45 Master Theurgist, Matthew Ironblood

Dec 16, 2009
AltiSpinax5225 on May 19, 2013 wrote:
A week ago, I was aiming for level 45 because I really wanted to use a sword for a wand. A few days ago I got to it, but more than me having an extra power pip at the beginning of a round happened. When I was level 44 I didn't get very many power pips, my spells were fairly weak, and overall I was just not very powerful. But when I got to level 45 my new gear didn't help a little, but a lot. I started getting power pips almost every round, had a much bigger deck of cards, and was much more powerful. I was wondering if anyone else had a power jump like this through level 44 and 45 too?

Level 45 Master Theurgist, Matthew Ironblood
I never had a power jump until I started going to Waterworks in my level 70s, but I probably used bazaar gear throughout Celestia which wasn't too good, although I started using a "mob deck" instead of a "one size fits all" boss deck because I got much smarter.

Dec 22, 2012
I had a lot of power jumps. I started having power jumps from level 40.

Level 40 Legedary Theurgist, Michael Spritrunner

Dec 25, 2012
i don't have power jumps only level jumps level one to level 80 in 3 months do i get a award for that
all so learned i souldn't say my level in messages no more

dustin battlewraith