I don' really know how many people have been talking about it, but I wanna know! what have you gotten from the maaaany presents scattered around the spiral. I wanted to put this topic up(if anyone hasn't already, I didn't look ;))to tell everyone of the prospers or disappointments.
I don' really know how many people have been talking about it, but I wanna know! what have you gotten from the maaaany presents scattered around the spiral. I wanted to put this topic up(if anyone hasn't already, I didn't look ;))to tell everyone of the prospers or disappointments.
So let loose! this is for your experiences!
I first hope there are no "disappointments" or complaints. These are presents - free items that KI does not have to give away at all.
I have received lots and lots of pet snacks, treasure cards, one-day and seven-day mounts and today received a pixie queen pet. I was totally surprised...and extremely grateful.
I have gotten many 1 day mounts, cards and per snacks. Congrats to those who got a pet! My only complaint is the unmounting bug... When opening a gift, your mount unequips itself. However, it is easily gotten over when I get that cool mount.
Just today, I was venturing around Celestia doing side quests, and came across a "present" box. I didn't know what this was at first, so i just hit "x". I got some gold, and a couple of reagents and pet snacks. I think that these boxes are pretty neat, and fun to see what you get. Keep scattering them around!
I have gotten many 1 day mounts, cards and per snacks. Congrats to those who got a pet! My only complaint is the unmounting bug... When opening a gift, your mount unequips itself. However, it is easily gotten over when I get that cool mount.
It's not a bug; you are celebrating getting a present.