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quest finder - nice addition

Jan 11, 2012
Wow, how did I miss this many quests? Marleybone, Dragonspyre, Mooshu and currently working on Celestia missed ones. Obviously none of these are storyline quests, but I'm surprised I missed them in the first place since every time I find a person with a ! over their head I talk to them. Ah well, more XP to gain, and a bunch more badges too (already got 4 new ones).

Thanks KingsIsle

Mar 07, 2009
I would have to agree with you; the quest finder was a very nice addition to the game. I, as well, missed a bunch of quests in places like Marleybone, Mooshu, and Dragonspyre.

-Kelsey Spritecatcher, level 52 Thaumaturge