I have often wondered if drops occur randomly, or if the drop rate can be influenced. For instance, does your position in the fight make a difference? ( Going in first? or Going in last? ) Do you have to score a hit on the enemy to get a good drop? Does the spell used matter at all? ( a rank 5 spell, or a rank 9 spell? ) When you got your best drop ever: what position in the battle where you? what spell did you use? Did it critical? etc.
I have often wondered if drops occur randomly, or if the drop rate can be influenced. For instance, does your position in the fight make a difference? ( Going in first? or Going in last? ) Do you have to score a hit on the enemy to get a good drop? Does the spell used matter at all? ( a rank 5 spell, or a rank 9 spell? ) When you got your best drop ever: what position in the battle where you? what spell did you use? Did it critical? etc.
Belgrim Anvil Lv 30
Belgrim BoomHammer Lv 90
Belgrim Dust Lv 90
Begrim Emeraldbane Lv 90
Belgrim Fist Lv 90
William Wildweaver Lv 90
Nope. Random means random.
I've gotten good drops from first, last, and everywhere in between, while tanking, healing, or something else entirely. I've gotten criticals, none at all, with rank 4 spells and rank 10 ones.
If anyone says drop rates can be influenced, I believe them as much as the people who say they can control spectral blast. Which, as a Balance wizard, I know they can't.
1) Storm mastery amulet from Luska in Waterworks, which Tavia (my legendary theurgist) got on her first run. She is my 4th wizard to complete the instance and was standing in the 3rd spot as a healer~ my other high-level wizards (balance, death, and storm) have been through waterworks hundreds of times and have never gotten anything special, besides their level 60 gear.
2) the Harpy pet from the Sand Squid in Atlantea.
My level 90 sorcerer was standing in the first spot, playing damage-dealer, tank, and healer. She completed the instance with only one other person (a level 82 Storm wizard) and they had 4 defeats between them, only one of which was hers.
It's all random, I've been in each position tank, healer, booster, and each battle slot critical and no; I've gotten everything from amber, vine, wand, pet, mastery amulet, etc. no influence or tilting odds in my favor, just good old fashioned farming and a bit if drop luck here and there. Happy dropping.