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Random Stats for my Archmage Necromancer Pt 2

Jul 02, 2008
Ok so back again. Please read Random Stats Pt 1 first to understand what i'm talking about. Anywho so looked up the 3 items i listed that would be good compliments. Again numbers may be off (Mainly to critical and critical block) due to percentages and not knowing KI's Algorithms. Also again, Energy, Stun Resist, and Armor Pierce will be listed at the bottom of the post -normal style, not list style- due to little or no change. P.S. If and/or when I get the items, if the Critical and Critical Block numbers are incorrect I will post a reply to this post with the corrected information. Here's the rundown on statistics now.

  • Health: 2385 Base
    + 264 HH
    + 346 HC
    + 123 HB
    + 250 Lexicon Blade (hereafter LB)
    + 280 Aureate Band (hereafter AB)
    3646 Total (Loss of 60, not bad)

  • Mana: 120 Base
    + 200 Lexicon Blade
    + 125 Aureate Band
    + 88 Midnight
    533 Total (Gain of 10, cool)

  • Critical: 0 Base to ALL
    + 5% MTB to ALL
    + 12% HH to DEATH
    + 4% HC to DEATH
    + 15% HB to DEATH
    35 OTHER, 180 DEATH (Gain of 49 DEATH if it's correct

  • Block: 0 Base to ALL
    + 1% HH to ALL
    + 25% HB to ALL
    + 7% LB to ALL
    + 15% MTB to ALL
    + 15% AB to ALL
    234 ALL (Gain of 120 if it's correct)

  • Power Pip Chance: 40% Base
    + 8% HH
    + 8% HC
    + 6% HB
    + 15% LB
    + 12% AB
    101% Total (Gain of 18% WOO!)

  • Attack: 0% Base to ALL
    + 5% AB to ALL
    + 18% HH to DEATH
    + 23% HC to DEATH
    + 15% HB to DEATH
    + 7% LB to ALL
    + 5% Midnight to DEATH
    12% OTHER, 73% DEATH (Gain of 9% Other, 17% DEATH)

  • Defense: 0% Base to ALL
    + 9% HH to ALL
    + 12% HC to ALL
    + 7% HB to ALL
    28% Total to ALL (only a loss of 1%, that's cool)

  • Accuracy: 0% Base to ALL
    - 3% FC ==> HB to DEATH (change in equipment)
    0% Total to ALL (a loss of 3%, oh well)

  • Health IN: O% Base
    + 4% HH
    + 2% HC
    + 5% HB
    + 15% AB
    26% Total (gain of 20%, heck yes!)

  • Health OUT: 0% Base
    + 15% LB
    15% Total (gain of 15%, but unless this affects sacrifice, it doesnt do much for me)

Energy will drop 3 points to 80 when I change from BHR to AB. Stun Resist doesn't change, still at 0%. Armor Pierce doesn't change, it's still at 2% from Sword of Kings.

  • Overall Loss:
    - 60 Health
    - 1% Defense
    - 3% Accuracy
    - 3 Energy

  • Overall Gain:
    + 10 Mana
    +/~49 Critical Points
    +/~74 Block Points
    + 18% Power Pip Chance
    + 9% OTHER Attack
    + 17% DEATH Attack
    + 20% Health IN
    + 15% Health OUT

All in All, A very gainful transition for me :)