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Rank 7 spells

Sep 08, 2009
In the update your going to make it so that anyone can train into the rank 7 spells, I think this is a bad idea your making the schools less unique. Those spells should only be available to the certain school. Please i'm begging you rethink this idea find something else similar besides this idea.

Jul 09, 2010
Runtee0059 on Mar 20, 2016 wrote:
In the update your going to make it so that anyone can train into the rank 7 spells, I think this is a bad idea your making the schools less unique. Those spells should only be available to the certain school. Please i'm begging you rethink this idea find something else similar besides this idea.
Gotta say - I'm in agreement. I use my Myth Treasure Cards all the time - but as a non myth student I shouldn't be able to train the quest spells.

Open satellite schools with higher spells in other worlds as an extension of the Ravenwood & Krokotopia classes as long as
  • each school kept sole use of the quest spells AND
  • the quest spells remained the most powerful for the level AND
  • the trainable "classroom" spells were behind the quest spells in power - at least 10 levels weaker/smaller/more limited.
There should always be a big difference between the damage or heal a primary school player can wield and the secondary school player.