For some reason I love to farm for rare items and thats why I have the question, what is the rarest item that drops from a boss. I have a lot of everything and I want to farm for something new. I dont care if its a 1/1000000 chance of getting it, I will get it. Please tell me.
I think the hardest thing to get is the best amulets dropped by The Rat that don't go to your school. Other school's gear is available for every wizard, however the drop rates are significantly lower. So a real challenge would be to go for the myth amulet as a death wizard, or whatever school you are. Good luck!
Ivan Soulsinger has a great wand drop too, Soulsinger's Soulsword, if you haven't gotten it already. I actually haven't gotten it as a drop in all my time playing wiz and farming him.
It by no means is the rarest item, but one that I really liked is the Test Tubes . You can like never find them in the Bazaar so I had to go scare some up myself. ( I them!)