This is a sorta stupid question, I don't recall anyone telling me this in the game, but what does it mean by incoming/outgoing healing??? I have a small amount, and the only thing I noticed is that I boost when my pet casts sprite. (Finally it casts sprite... Judgement emberstone tiger mix)
This is a sorta stupid question, I don't recall anyone telling me this in the game, but what does it mean by incoming/outgoing healing??? I have a small amount, and the only thing I noticed is that I boost when my pet casts sprite. (Finally it casts sprite... Judgement emberstone tiger mix)
Thank you for the help, -Molly
Incoming raises the amount your wizard receives on a heal and out going is the amount that the heal would get in boost giving health.
Incoming- If you get healed (anyone who heals you triggers it) it is boosted by your incoming percentage. Example: I have 50% incoming boost and I get healed for 100 health so if I apply my percentage I get 150 heal. If it was 200 I would get a 300 heal heal. Outgoing- If you heal another person or yourself outgoing applies it's percentage (like incoming but when you heal). Example: You have 50% outgoing boost and you heal another player for 400, if you apply the boost that heal becomes 600 (Without applying the healed person's incoming boost).