Could somebody tell me the average level to get to every realm and the order? (of the realm eg. WC, Krokotopia etc.) Thanks
Those are not realms, those are worlds. There is no average level listed anywhere since everyone plays at his/her own pace.
There are level restrictions on a few worlds: Grizzleheim at level 20, Wysteria at level 25, Celestia at level 48 (I may be missing one or two here), but those are not averages.
If you go to the link below it will show the quest trees for most worlds. The main storyline quest is in a straight line down, side quests off to the side.
I think by realms, you mean worlds. As you progress through your main storyline new worlds will come, but not all at once. And once you get a world, you storyline quest in that one till the end, then another will come for you to quest in.