Hello Wizard101 Having A Good Time? Well I am but one little thing is really bothering me. Its Reporting! idk why people do it. its a waste of time and its just Rude Normally if you Report Anyone normally you really dont have a Heart because that is just saying that your trying to get other's in trouble for nothing and its not nice at all! Wizard101 Should take off Reporting because you know how much time it would save them from looking at all the reports people do in a day! it would make everyone happy. and Everyone on wizard101 plz stop reporting even if they did some bad or if it is just that you dont like them just mine your bizness and just move on its not that hard. Everyone On Wizard101 have A great day! by Mason Goldenflame! Ice grandmaster (50)
You are blatantly wrong. Reporting is a much needed tool. It helps the players and administration alike. People who flagrantly violate the CoC,need to be reported. Without control measures such as reporting,this game would denigrate in reputation rapidly. This is after all a family game,and reporting is one way of helping it stay in that frame. You need to understand that by reporting offenders,you are being nice and helping others who simply want to enjoy the game.
Is this a joke thread? This is a family game. If some one is acting in an inappropriate manner then people who witness it most certainly should report it.
Yeah, you're right in the fact that some people report just to tick you off, however, reporting is kinda a really important tool for Wizard101. I'm all for creativity, but some of the kids work around the system in order to curse, which really should be reported, along with other stuff which really isn't worth mentioning. Wizard101 is the cleanest online gaming website I've ever seen, and that's only because there's an effective reporting system that keeps it that way.
i agree. Many of the young kids in wizard101 will report people for almost no reason. (glad there aren't like 4 year olds on this game, they would report you for defeating them in the arena) I think that they should ask wizards 13 and up to be moderaters, and take away reporting privileges from the younger kids.
i agree. Many of the young kids in wizard101 will report people for almost no reason. (glad there aren't like 4 year olds on this game, they would report you for defeating them in the arena) I think that they should ask wizards 13 and up to be moderaters, and take away reporting privileges from the younger kids.
No, without reporting, there would be more people worthy of being reported.
i agree. Many of the young kids in wizard101 will report people for almost no reason. (glad there aren't like 4 year olds on this game, they would report you for defeating them in the arena) I think that they should ask wizards 13 and up to be moderaters, and take away reporting privileges from the younger kids.
There are many 4 year olds who play, and some reason have text chat. But they only do anything about it if you actually do something...For instance, someone reported me for saying "Fool." I didnt get banned, because its a ridiculous reason for reporting someone.