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requesting a little help please . and thanks

May 13, 2009
Hi . I once saw something i thought was pretty cool that was a tool to help you choose a new mage . but now no matter where i look i can not find it . i do have a lvl 33 balance mage but i am very bored with mooshu right now so i would like to start a new toon but have no clue where to find the grid tool that shows which schools are inline with each other . 8)

if you know of which section or where on the web site it can be found please post it or send me a mail or how ever this place works .

Thank you in advance of any help you maybe .

That's an easy one, young Wizard!
Go to Wizard101.com and click the Wizard Creator button!

May 13, 2009
Thank you very much professor !! I have been trying to find that days now thank you for helping me . i just get bored with mooshu so i need a bit of a break this should help a lot .

May 04, 2009

I'm not sure of a grid tool, but I once saw this post from Professor Greyrose that I thought was very interesting about the schools:

Every school has its advantages and disadvantages, young Wizards, and these apply to the amount of health that you have as a Wizard.

Fire has medium health, low accuracy and high damage.
Ice has the highest health, medium accuracy and low damage.
Storm has the lowest health, the lowest accuracy and the highest damage.
Life has high health, the highest accuracy and the lowest damage
Death has low health, high accuracy and low damage.
Myth has medium health, medium accuracy and medium damage.
Balance has medium health, high accuracy and medium damage.

". . . with Persistence, Victory is assured"
Lydia Greyrose
Professor of Ice Magic


Hope this helps.

May 13, 2009
Okay well thanks for trying to help i followed what you said and did what you said and that was not it . what i am looking for i believe is called the spiral triangle it list the schools and which are inline with each other so as to get the most out of a new toon . any ideal where i can find that the new toon maker does not help or show a chart at all .

Ah I misunderstood what you were looking for - I do believe this is the page you need, young Wizard:


May 13, 2009
Yes !!! Thank you very much professor that was exactly what i was looking for ! 8) I appreciate the help you have given me twice now and it proves this is the best game for me . as a former hardcore wow player who was upset by blizzard i am happy to find the staff here actually care about the player and help them out in the forums . and it seems i guess right when i choose death as a secondary for my myth wizard ! thank you and see you in game maybe .

If i may ask I think that paige should be stickied some where easy to fin d for everyone !!! 8)