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Returning level 50(with questions)

Dec 25, 2008
Simply put I quit after reaching level 50 right before the other 3 minor schools came out.
So I figure since i'd be a hassle to even attempt to acquire this information in game with the type of people this game is targeting.Any answers or responses are all nice to have.

Firstly how do I go about getting new gear and increasing my stats since I'm currently using old level 35 crown gear.
Second can someone tell me again the point of planting because when I came back all my plants were dead.
Lastly how should I proceed from here (lvl 50).

Best Regards,


Jun 19, 2010
Welcome back to W101, and all the many cool changes you get to experience.

Congratulations on reaching level 50! Back in the day, this was an accomplishment; and now, everyone has the opportunity to reach level 100!

As you play you'll level. Along the way, bosses and what you fight will drop better equipment and gear. So as you defeat them, compare what's to new, to what you're wearing. If its better; swap out your old gear with the new and improved stuff you find. Also, check out what the bazaar sells, and buy better equipment and gear when you can afford it.

Additionally, as you progress in the game, you can earn crafting badges to craft better gear and equipment, and even tapestries that can be used to travel throughout all the zones.

Regarding planting, or gardening...

...only check back once a day or every couple of days. The benefit to gardening, are the drops plants bring you. As you progress in the game, you may want to use items that are dropped to craft, use in battle, or feed your pets with (i.e. Amber regent, clockwork spider treasure card, mega snacks, etc...).

Whether you fish, garden, or train pets, they all use the same energy (see the green orb or ball at the bottom left of your Wizard 101 Screen); so manage what you do accordingly.

If you get into the habit of checking your garden every other day, you can use the day in-between to fish or train your pets. This way, you'll be able to do all three throughout the week.

Welcome back to the game, and here's to fantastic game playing while you earn your next 50 levels!