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Slightly Annoyed, but not too mad

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
Recently saw that the jewel crafter bundle was found at a couple gamestops. So of course the gear is revealed along with the pet and mount. The mount is where I am partially annoyed, you may be wondering "Why are you annoyed at a mount?". Well this mount isn't like past mounts, I am not saying it is slower as it does have the usual 40% speed boost. What I am annoyed at is that this mount has an accuracy boost of 2%. Yes it is a small boost but every percent counts. That 2% can save you from fizzling. But my main issue is not the boost, but the fact MOUNTS are getting stat boosts. Hopefully this doesn't become common as mounts should NOT be another gear piece, they should be optional and up to the player to pick. But I do gotta admit the crystal unicorn looks cool and doesn't look too large so I may be able to use it successfully. (I like smaller mounts as I can use them in areas where mobs are around)

Jan 21, 2010
pets didn't used to be equips either, just for show. power creep happens. I heard talk about a mount derby, though I guess that would be a regular derby...

Oct 18, 2009
I think the higher your level the less that 2% will matter, now if this trend continues and stuff like mounts with things like resistance/damage/crit/ crit block start showing up then we might see people going after mounts for stats.

Feb 07, 2011
Discord Spiders on Oct 15, 2015 wrote:
I think the higher your level the less that 2% will matter, now if this trend continues and stuff like mounts with things like resistance/damage/crit/ crit block start showing up then we might see people going after mounts for stats.
oh, i hope not~ if bundle mounts are given stats, then non-american players will be at a disadvantage yet again.

i live in canada, and my friends in the us are able to get the bundles well before i can (based on past bundles, 6 months to a year ahead is the standard). but, even more importantly, mounts are cosmetic and should be a choice~ not something that's required for stats.

(think about how this could potentially break low-level pvp)


Dec 26, 2013
Dr Von on Oct 15, 2015 wrote:
oh, i hope not~ if bundle mounts are given stats, then non-american players will be at a disadvantage yet again.

i live in canada, and my friends in the us are able to get the bundles well before i can (based on past bundles, 6 months to a year ahead is the standard). but, even more importantly, mounts are cosmetic and should be a choice~ not something that's required for stats.

(think about how this could potentially break low-level pvp)

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger (or Lone Mountie?) Doc. I live in Arizona but I might as well be in Zimbabwe when it comes to finding bundles. I keep looking in all of the normal spots... Wal-Mart, Game Spot, Target etc. and more often than not when I ask if they have W101 items their eyes glaze over.

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
Dr Von on Oct 15, 2015 wrote:
oh, i hope not~ if bundle mounts are given stats, then non-american players will be at a disadvantage yet again.

i live in canada, and my friends in the us are able to get the bundles well before i can (based on past bundles, 6 months to a year ahead is the standard). but, even more importantly, mounts are cosmetic and should be a choice~ not something that's required for stats.

(think about how this could potentially break low-level pvp)

See Dr. Von sees where I am going, mounts need to stay cosmetic ESPECIALLY ones exclusive to bundles.

I don't want to give up my epic terror dog mount for a unicorn just because of stats. I want to switch mounts only because I want a different looking mount.

The unicorn is indeed gorgeous though :O and the armor looks really cool

Oct 18, 2009
Dr Von on Oct 15, 2015 wrote:
oh, i hope not~ if bundle mounts are given stats, then non-american players will be at a disadvantage yet again.

i live in canada, and my friends in the us are able to get the bundles well before i can (based on past bundles, 6 months to a year ahead is the standard). but, even more importantly, mounts are cosmetic and should be a choice~ not something that's required for stats.

(think about how this could potentially break low-level pvp)

Yeah I'm hoping it wont become a regular thing for our sanity's sake. PvP is already complicated as it is. Hopefully this doesn't become a trend mounts should be purely cosmetic they don't need stats.

Aug 24, 2015
I'm with you Rachel Dreamsong; I prefer small mounts i.e. wings. They let me see what is around me, (regents, chests) and stay out unwanted fights.
It does seem odd that something that is unequipped during a battle would have a battle assisting property. If this trend continues what would stop someone from carrying several mounts? Has anyone tried out one of these mounts to see if just having it in your pack adds the bonuses? It will be interesting to see where this all leads.

Sep 23, 2011
Rachel Dreamsong on Oct 14, 2015 wrote:
Recently saw that the jewel crafter bundle was found at a couple gamestops. So of course the gear is revealed along with the pet and mount. The mount is where I am partially annoyed, you may be wondering "Why are you annoyed at a mount?". Well this mount isn't like past mounts, I am not saying it is slower as it does have the usual 40% speed boost. What I am annoyed at is that this mount has an accuracy boost of 2%. Yes it is a small boost but every percent counts. That 2% can save you from fizzling. But my main issue is not the boost, but the fact MOUNTS are getting stat boosts. Hopefully this doesn't become common as mounts should NOT be another gear piece, they should be optional and up to the player to pick. But I do gotta admit the crystal unicorn looks cool and doesn't look too large so I may be able to use it successfully. (I like smaller mounts as I can use them in areas where mobs are around)
Who should be annoyed is balance players as they just again prove why balance will soon no longer be needed. This new balance spell just gives all schools the one thing that balance is useful to in pve. No need to ever carry a balance with you as now you can have a higher blade then balance can muster.The pet and everything else is great. You also have to ask yourself what about decks that get added buffs started in darkmoor. As long as it does not begin to be greater then what it is.

Feb 19, 2012
so while I agree mounts should be cosmetic. and accent ones character or role in the game but to branch off of it WHAT IF: just think about this for a sec. WHAT IF THE MOUNTS WITH STATS WERE STICHABLE? I don't have any inside scoop but I would say if they did have a mount with stats it should be stitchable just like with anything else

would solve debates too
yours truly liam stormbrand

representing: TEAM BRING IT