Does anyone else think that when it comes to new spells, spirits schools are getting the short end of the stick with globals? Having 3 from both elemental (storm, fire & ice) and spirit schools (myth, death & life) i can tell you i know what its like. storm, fire and ice are absolutely awesome to play with cos they have a few globals. perfect for those times where you need to beat a few enemies. I have no complaints about their amount of globals. Spirit however is different. Life only has 1 global damage spell, forest lord and you dont even get that till lvl 58 i think. so up until then beating a few enemies is a major pain Myth isnt too bad. Getting humungofrog low lvl and then earthquake later was good but i still think they could do with a couple more with higher damage Death was in the same boat as life. only 1 global (scarecrow) until deer knight came out, which by the way, was most brilliant thing ever. I spent a lot of crowns to get it cos i know my death needed it until crow So now with azteca coming soon and seeing the lvl 90 spells coming out i see life and myth miss out on a global. Death got a good deal this time but the one school that needed it most, life, misses out and we're still stuck with the ol forest lord. With the release of keepers lore pack again they have given life and myth more single attack spells. When are w101 creative heads gonna realise spirit schools NEED MORE GLOBALS If the myth keeper spell and life weaver were global i would have gladly wasted crowns to get it cos thats how badly they need globals. I am not the only one who thinks this, my friends know my pain Look dont get me wrong i love w101 and enjoy playing it a lot! 6 wizards should reflect that. But i think with worlds getting progressively harder, maybe its time spirit schools get cut some slack and get given global spells to help out solo and team wise Hope this reaches someone
I think it may depend on how you play. You clearly have more experience than myself with the game. Perhaps you learned the game using ice/fire/storm then switched to death/life.
I say this because I am on my first wizard, level 62 Death, currently in Celestia. I have solo played almost the entire game's main story line, using friends as team players only for fun, revisiting dungeons, bosses, etc. I entered Celestia in the mid/high level 50's, but I was helping friends in Celestia when I was in low 50's.
My wizard has the best gear I can find in game or the bazaar. I have no crown stuff since I was low level (except mount). I cruise through Celestia no problem. Bosses, dungeons, whatever. I die only when I do something dumb. When I play with others +/- 10 levels from my own I am the clear dominator defeating enemy and keeping team members alive.
In worlds leading up to Celestia I could survive just fine when strangers jumped into my battles. In Celestia I find strangers to be the biggest challenge. Celestia is much less forgiving with a poorly played game. I like to complete battles ASAP so I can move on. Strangers often slow this process down. In theory two or more wizards should complete a battle faster, but I don't find this to be true... usually. (i have some good friends and together we fly through battles).
Anyway, all I'm getting at is my Death wizard is extremely powerful and very effective when compared to others. Its quite possible that your strategies and game style is excellent for the fire/ice/storm schools, but doesn't transfer as well to death/life. I do recognize you have significantly more experience though, so take my thoughts lightly.
Sorry, but this is ridiculous. Spirit schools getting shafted?
Life has TONS of heals, which despite having only one global, is enough to help you stay alive during longer fights. If anything, Forest Lord makes Life an unfair school.
With Death, you have Ghoul, Vampire, Wraith, Scarecrow and Frankenstein. Each of these not only damage your opponent, but HEAL YOU IN RETURN! With every other school, I usually have to run around for wisps after a fight, but after a strong attack with Death, 9 times out of 10, I'm usually at full health. That makes Death an unfair school.
While not having a myth character, I usually like fighting with them. If properly boosted, even a Humungofrog can deal serious damage, and at 4 pips, they're able to be thrown out rather quickly.