If you have ever noticed we, ALL OF US, mostly complain about what is wrong with the game, not what is right with it.
For example- crafting, everyone loved the idea when it first came out, then they started complaining left and right about "well it's too hard to find this," or "this recipe is too hard to get everything LOWER IT!"
Everyone seemed to thank them in begining but became just plain rude after they found a single flaw in it. Nothing is perfect, and I am sure they try to do all they can to make the game better as days go past.
So this topic is dedicated to JUST THANKING the Kingsile crew.
Thank You! For making such a wonderful game, and bringing friends and family together!
I look forward to see what new things you can amaze us with next! And keep up the good work, i'm sure we don't show our appreciation sometimes, but i'm sure most of us love your work
I agree. I too would like to send a big THANK YOU to the professors and admins at KI. I have sent quite a few bug reports and gotten quick and helpful replies all the time.
I have even sent some e-mails to certain professors and admins. And again have gotten quick and polite, helpful replies.
Never saw quite a great bunch of people, especially online where you can hide behind being anonymous...