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The Arcanum Is Poorly Written

Nov 25, 2012
Kingsisle intreduced us to the arcanum when polaris came about, and I enjoyed from the mystery the place brought. I enjoyed doing the "paper work" quests at the begining and go on special asigments and missions.

However I feel Kingsisle has used the Arcanum for a tool to reveal secrets, tease new stories or give a couple of mini quests. Im not saying I want Kigsisle to reveal all their secrets- Im asking to make the Arcanum more involved in the story including the scholars who are poorly written.
The Arcanum has a great potential that Kingsisle are missing to bring. Right now the Arcanum for me is a mini side area where the wizard goes to start new worlds investigate them and then come back like the Arcanum wasn't involved st all- wizard go to blah blah blah, wizard u saved the spiral come back later. Its boring! In adittion they only used the Arcanum to reveal sort secrets when its "needs to be told in the story" I guess?

I hope you read this Kingsisle and make the Arcanum and more of the characters you wrote more written and involved instead of creating new characters each time for sertain worlds and then forget about them .

Dec 09, 2008
Star Gator on Oct 23, 2020 wrote:
Kingsisle intreduced us to the arcanum when polaris came about, and I enjoyed from the mystery the place brought. I enjoyed doing the "paper work" quests at the begining and go on special asigments and missions.

However I feel Kingsisle has used the Arcanum for a tool to reveal secrets, tease new stories or give a couple of mini quests. Im not saying I want Kigsisle to reveal all their secrets- Im asking to make the Arcanum more involved in the story including the scholars who are poorly written.
The Arcanum has a great potential that Kingsisle are missing to bring. Right now the Arcanum for me is a mini side area where the wizard goes to start new worlds investigate them and then come back like the Arcanum wasn't involved st all- wizard go to blah blah blah, wizard u saved the spiral come back later. Its boring! In adittion they only used the Arcanum to reveal sort secrets when its "needs to be told in the story" I guess?

I hope you read this Kingsisle and make the Arcanum and more of the characters you wrote more written and involved instead of creating new characters each time for sertain worlds and then forget about them .
Thanks for the feedback! I'll send this to our team to consider ways we can further improve the Arcanum.

Feb 12, 2015
Star Gator on Oct 23, 2020 wrote:
Kingsisle intreduced us to the arcanum when polaris came about, and I enjoyed from the mystery the place brought. I enjoyed doing the "paper work" quests at the begining and go on special asigments and missions.

However I feel Kingsisle has used the Arcanum for a tool to reveal secrets, tease new stories or give a couple of mini quests. Im not saying I want Kigsisle to reveal all their secrets- Im asking to make the Arcanum more involved in the story including the scholars who are poorly written.
The Arcanum has a great potential that Kingsisle are missing to bring. Right now the Arcanum for me is a mini side area where the wizard goes to start new worlds investigate them and then come back like the Arcanum wasn't involved st all- wizard go to blah blah blah, wizard u saved the spiral come back later. Its boring! In adittion they only used the Arcanum to reveal sort secrets when its "needs to be told in the story" I guess?

I hope you read this Kingsisle and make the Arcanum and more of the characters you wrote more written and involved instead of creating new characters each time for sertain worlds and then forget about them .
I'm curious about the part of the Arcanum where the Cabal factions once were; it's likely the door behind the electric cage next to the World Door. I'm wondering, just what would we find if we ever went in there?

Nov 25, 2012
Sparck. on Oct 23, 2020 wrote:
Thanks for the feedback! I'll send this to our team to consider ways we can further improve the Arcanum.
Thank you

Its important you involve the wonderful characters you wrote along the years into the story. Mellori is a great example.