Is there a limit for the attic? I bought a new house and sold my old one after i bought a new one and want to know if i lost any items. If i did how can i get them back.
It shows it has a limit of 100 items, but when i was moving houses and picked up all items(which were automaticly placed in the attic). After which, my attic then was shown holding over 250 items.
Yes, there is a limit. The limit is one hundred items. I think you should check your attic to see if you lost those items. I don't think anything would be gone, since I had put a lot of things in my attic when I had a dorm, and when I bought a house, I still had all the items with me.
If you did the pick up all everything went into your attic. You cannot sell a house unless it is empty so i doubt you lost anything. Yes there is a limit but when i tested the pick up all it picked everything up , I have had 500 items in my attic from doing the pick up all.
Your house is sapposed to be empty in order to sell it. If it was empety when you sold it, then all your items are safe. Otherwise they are sold with the house to make it sell for more gold.
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