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The Future

May 03, 2010
As a question to anyone who knows, do you know if there will ever be another world, or if 100 is going to be a permanent cap.

I'm not complaining that it's not out yet, I'd just like to know- the main person I play with refuses to hit level caps, so we can't do Castle Darkmoor or the Shadow Palace together- and it would be nice to know if the game has more to come, or if he should just hit cap and join me at the end of Khrysalis.

Alejandro Trollcatcher

Aug 18, 2011
I expect new content and a level rise late spring or early summer, but no one outside KI knows for sure, and they aren't saying. Your friend should just go for it. There is always enough EXP in new content to reach the cap. I know some people feel they are "wasting" exp if they max, but really there's no need to save it.

Wouldn't it make more sense and be more fun to make the most of what's in the game now? If he finishes Shadow Palace and runs Darkmoor he'll be ready for whatever comes next.