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The Greggor fight is so bad...

Aug 06, 2009
Anyone else notice how hard the fight is? You have a death, a life who constantly has double power pip gain, and if more than two wizards are in the fight you get two storms who spam sirens and other annoying spells, ALL THE WHILE SIR GREGGOR INTERCEPTS LIKE 75% OF ALL DAMAGE. Can we get a nerf to them please?

Aug 05, 2010
The idea is to use aoe moves, which has greggor intercept the damage. This makes him takes tons of damage. Also with a fire, storm using prisms, or in my case, a death that criticaled, you can kill the crusaders. 12k damage aoe isn't that difficult if the critical lands, which the crusaders don't have high critical block. This fight is difficult and I recommend a dedicated healer/buffer. However, its certainly not the most difficult in the game and is mostly an endurance fight. Find a good team that communicates and it's not too hard. Happy Farming!

Andrew Battlefist, Champion Pyromancer

May 28, 2016
It is stupidly hard. Spent way too long in just one battle. Thank god I don't have to revisit him anytime soon.