I feel like this game has changed and of course it has,but not in an update slowly the magic was burning out for me i feel sad but there is nothing i can do to change this. This game has been wonderful and i do not regret anything this game gave me happiness years ago but know everyone is fighting left and right. It shouldn't be this way we were all happy at one time what happened to that? When i first started this game i was like yes something original something new! But know its just rotted at the core players are very cruel to other players yes there are some nice people out there! But i feel lost and i think the magic is leaving me so i guess this is goodbye for a while i might come back when the the flame starts to spark again for know i will continue my great journey of life which will lead in many paths goodbye all my fellow wizards and maybe we might see each other someday who knows?
i know EXACTLY what you mean, the game used to give me a.... well magic feeling but after dragonspyre it was gone.................
yeah, that's where it ended for me as well. i agree with you, for several reasons~
1) all the unnecessary changes that left us players up the creek without a paddle (in both pvp and pve); 2) ki went nuts with giving the monsters crazy power and cheats that allow them to circumvent gameplay dynamics; 3) the game has become more about luck and money power than hard work; 4) quality of writing is debatable; 5) ki is ignoring our concerns, allowing pvp'ers to call the shots and make decisions that affect everyone; 5) kindness is in such short supply that it's not even worth it anymore.
it saddens me, but the spiral is no longer the magical place it once was; my subs are both up in august, and i probably won't renew~ the joy this game once brought me is gone, and tormenting mally is the only reprieve i have left... if his minions want to eat my happiness, they will starve.