Here, in my opinion all the annoying quests. ALL the book quests. Seriously, if you got this quest after you complete some of the bosses in an area, you need to fight them AGAIN to get progress. Why can't I walk past him. I know about the castle thing in Colossus Boulevard, when your meeting the king of the gobblers, but couldn't they stop you at the last second sneaking past them? It just annoys me! I'm also not the fan of the Prospector Zeke quests. When I do accept these types of quests, I can't remove them from my quests list. What if I change my mind, I can't remove them! Ok, the prospector Zeke quests are the same thing, except they are placed in spots, you need to look for! I understand challenge, but give me better hints. I'm sorry for the rant, but this is a blemish on this game, and I needed to address it. Please KingsIsle, either you can do nothing (Please tell me why if you do) let me sneak by the bosses and give me better hints, OR remove them from the game! Please don't think this is trolling, this is just my opinion.
I think "library dues" is annoying, but I snuck past alicane swift arrow. I waited till I was level 25 to do it. I also dislike "the looking glass" - or whatever its called - because you can accept it because you know other people are going to join, but what if you fail?
I dislike it because its a side quest, and its hard. :I I'm waiting till I beat Krokotopia, grizzleheim and maybe part of wysteria to do it. :I
I actually like the book quests & Prospector Zeke's quests. I don't know why. I just do.
But the most annoying quest for me has to be collecting in Celestia. Oh my days. It's like impossible to recover anything! And those Crustacean Waverunner's. Don't get me started on those guys ;)
The book quests are simple...fight the boss, get the book. How is that hard? You don't have to go out of your way at all. (The only one that is a tad annoying is the one in Wizard City because it comes after you've done a bunch of them. But, by then you're also strong enough to easily defeat each one again)
Professor Zeke is simple as well.. there are hints all over the net. Do a quick search and viola!!
The ones I find most annoying, from Wizard City and way beyond are the "do not collect" quests. Like the infamous lions in Zafaria. I just did the one in Triton again with my newest Fire wizard. Shocking...did not collect lumina crystal.
The book quests are simple...fight the boss, get the book. How is that hard? You don't have to go out of your way at all. (The only one that is a tad annoying is the one in Wizard City because it comes after you've done a bunch of them. But, by then you're also strong enough to easily defeat each one again)
Professor Zeke is simple as well.. there are hints all over the net. Do a quick search and viola!!
The ones I find most annoying, from Wizard City and way beyond are the "do not collect" quests. Like the infamous lions in Zafaria. I just did the one in Triton again with my newest Fire wizard. Shocking...did not collect lumina crystal.
It annoys me because my wizards needs to buy LOTS of potions to complete these book finding marathons!
Oh, and thanks about the Prospector Zeke quests. The reason why I don't like them is I hate looking for things. Even in real life. Another problem is I might lose my way and I need to keep looking at it and I don't fell like quitting Wizard101, or doing ctrl alt delete all the time.
I can understand why you think these quests can be boring but they are ALL in rooms that you will eventually have a quest for so just get it then? It's really not that bad. If you want to see annoying quests get to the second arc worlds and try completing the "Did not collect quests." You almost never get the items and they can be a real bore.
I did 56 battles in Zafaria for the pieces of the lion staff. 56 BATTLES. I understand three, or even five battles, but 56 is just too many. And yes, I was counting.
Dungeons that you have to redo because another STORYLINE quest sends you back in for one measly item - those are also weak. *CoughVaultofIcecoughShiratakiTemple*
I hate runestone/book/tzolk'in quests because your friends are all "oh i don't have that quest" "i don't do those" and then a week later, when they realize there's a training point or a NEW SPELL or massive load of xp involved, they beg you to take them to %world% and help them collect these.
Usually they make this discovery after having their face pushed in at PVP by someone who does "do those"; or they fail their 58 spell quest because they don't have any off-school spells or combat tricks.
And lord forbid you, the meticulous one, somehow miss a stone or book. It holds you up until you get the lead out and go face that boss again. Or redo the entire dungeon to get to the umpteenth floor of Big Ben so you can collect the last stray cat. Except your friends who do not care about training points have long since moved on and are very uninterested in re-running Big Ben with you to collect that cat.
I don't hate the quest-locked items - it's appropriate to your level to have just so many train points - I hate wasting time redoing hard, annoying chores.
I like the Prospector Zeke quests, especially being a life wizard, I need all the training points I can so that I can train better damage spells. I didn't like the Crustacean Waverunners because the are so hard, and in general drop quests are very annoying!
The Prospector Zeke quests and the Obsidian Chest quest. I hate backtracking, and that makes you backtrack through the whole game The Zeke yardbird quest is insane. I have questions for whoever placed the yardbirds in Grizzleheim
The Labyrinth in Dragonspyre is the most annoying! It should not be a dungeon, it takes way too long to complete in one go. And it would be nice to move the obsidian chest to the keymaster boss tower so that you don't have to go back through the labyrinth quest just to get to the chest for a Dragonspyre Academy quest.
Here, in my opinion all the annoying quests. ALL the book quests. Seriously, if you got this quest after you complete some of the bosses in an area, you need to fight them AGAIN to get progress. Why can't I walk past him. I know about the castle thing in Colossus Boulevard, when your meeting the king of the gobblers, but couldn't they stop you at the last second sneaking past them? It just annoys me! I'm also not the fan of the Prospector Zeke quests. When I do accept these types of quests, I can't remove them from my quests list. What if I change my mind, I can't remove them! Ok, the prospector Zeke quests are the same thing, except they are placed in spots, you need to look for! I understand challenge, but give me better hints. I'm sorry for the rant, but this is a blemish on this game, and I needed to address it. Please KingsIsle, either you can do nothing (Please tell me why if you do) let me sneak by the bosses and give me better hints, OR remove them from the game! Please don't think this is trolling, this is just my opinion.
Ryan SoulShard Magus , second , third
Hey. You can't just ask KI to remove these quests from the game. You do understand that there are hundreds of guides out there on the internet with all the locations of the books and Prospector Zeke's stuff? And these are side quests. You do have the opportunity to decline them.