I know that message board etiquette is emphasized in many posts and is a key part of keeping these boards safe. I just thought i would give people some more advice so they dont regret posting something, as i know i have in the past. One example i can remember is when i replied to a post entitled. "judgement problem fixed." This concerned the unbalance spell that would be taught in the collosus boulevard training house. I got upset because the person who posted the topic delevered the message in a way that said he despised sorcerers in pvp. I started as a sorcerer so i got mad. So did many wizards who read this post. I was so angry and caught up in the moment i threatened to terminate my subscription which i would never actually do. But thanks to so many people making angry posts they removed that spell. I regret that post now because i believe it would be more benefitial, because you could cast it on bosses that often use weakness to prevent that from happening. Now that isnt going to happen. The lesson i tried to teach with this story is that even though you may be angry, sad, or just plain caught up in the moment, THINK about what you post, because you may wind up not liking what you said later. After all you can never remove something once it is online. I know from much experience and i'm trying my best to work on that. I hope this post will help new and even experienced posters :).