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this is so weird

Mar 10, 2014
this weird thing happened to me. i have been trying to get the alpha and omega ring for over 2 months. i gave up and was helping a friend do the secret bosses quest in aquila and i got it. but that is not the weird part. my friend asked me if i could help her farm for the ring and guess what i got it three times in a row! after 2 months of farming. has something like this ever happened to anyone?

Jun 15, 2013
I remember the struggle for water works, I feel the struggle for Hades' gear, and I fear the struggle for the shadow queen's grace. But seriously though, it seems that after you got what you farmed for, it drops like nobody's business.

Jun 19, 2010
Lol, how many of us share the frustration of farming for rare items that never seem to drop. Yup; been there, done that; and have the t-shirt to prove it!

I never farmed for the alpha ring; but through helping friends; enough rings were given as drops to provide all my wizards with one. Now, I only wish I was able to share the extra ones I find with friends.