Re: Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101
MikeStrath wrote:
I think these ought to be the #1 and #2 indicators.
Though maybe having Dreams about your characters should slide in there someplace.
Dude that happened to me the other day ....... i mean night :P, The dream was about my wizard swimming extremely fast through the commons pond and then getting band for speed hacking. ( After i woke up i rushed to the computer to make sure i was not really banned :p)
Re: Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101
1. All you think about is the next spell you learn... 2. You send tons of E-mails to KI demanding 7 characters... 3. You give your cat to the kennel because you think he/she's part of the O'Leary gang! 4. You say "Keep it cool and stay in Ice School " 5. All your wizards are Celestia leveled
Re: Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101
10. You call your pet your wizard101 pet name ( my pets name is jack and sometimes I call him lord Jackson) 9. When somebody wants to be your friend, you say sorry my buddy list is full. 8. When you get grounded for not getting off the computer when you're supposed to (guilty) 7. All of your friends play the game but you have the highest level (guilty again) 6. When you get off the computer, you get on to your tablet that's faster and post here (Hint- I'm on my iPad.) 5. Your parent tells you to clean your room and you say a few more minutes then they ask you again and you say "I said 5 minutes!" Then they say "that was 2 hours ago!" 4. The only way to get your attention on the computer is to say "want 60,000 free crowns?" 3. You make a wand. 2. You sign a paper with your name rank and school. 1. You make money to buy crowns by selling posters- about wizard101.
Re: Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101
OK, I have a ton of these.
1. When you call the street you live on, "Triton Avenue". 2. When you go to a graveyard and expect to find a Rotting Fodder. 3. When you go into a cave and think it is the Haunted Cave. 4. You name your dog after your heck hound. 5. You want people to buy you a pack of trading cards. 6. When the only breed of snake you want to buy is a Thunder Snake. 7. When you ask for permission to go on the next street 8. When someone asks you why you always walk on the sidewalk and you say, "So i don't get in a fight." 9. When you get hungry, you say, "My mana is low!" 10. When your next-door neighbor is Harry Potter. Thanks for reading guys!
Coming up with excuses, Duncan WindLeaf, Level 33 Magus Diviner
Re: Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101
1 You wake up and think you see Merle 2 you think your two dogs are combined 3 you see your brother with wizard clothes 4 you go to school and call your teacher, "Mr. Cyrus Drake. 5 you say you live, not in the Milky Way, but in the spiral. 6 you starve yourself cause wizards don' t eat
7 you feed your pet soup thinking he will become epic 8 you want to become your character 9 you get a tabby cat and call him prince Cosmo 10 you legally change your name to Wyrmheart. Emma Emaraldsword lvl 49
Re: Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101
Randomperson16 wrote:
I'm guilty of all of these, LOL! (Except the get 5 People hooked to the Game thing, still trying tho lol, my Parents think that anything that is Computer involved is boring )
Calamity Orgeblossom Level 48 Theurgist
May i add that....?
You know you are also Addicted if you spend 14 Hours on Wizard101 on Weekends. Heck, if i could, i'd play the whole Day, everyday, lol. (Guilty!)
Re: Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101
Destiny Windgem on Jul 9, 2013 wrote:
10: You make a whole deck of cards, exactly like your wizards. 9: You make a copy of your favorite wand, and try to use it with your cards. 8: You keep getting so annoyed because you need one more level for your next spell. (Happening) 7: You wish you could teleport back to your house after school. (Happened) 6: You want your own computer- partially for homework, but MOSTLY for Wizard101. (Happening) 5: You have dreams about Wizard101. (Happened) 4: You are good at sewing, so you try to make your wizards outfit. 3: You get up early, just to play. 2: You get upset when a computer breaks down, and your dad blamed it on Wizard101. (Happened)
And last, but not least...
1: You go to a Halloween party, wear your outfit and bring the wand and deck, and try to show everyone your new spell.
See ya in the Spiral!
Destiny Windgem "Crusher Crusher"
Wow. I took over the oldest computer for wizard101 and other stuff, which I am on now. Awhile ago I kept getting a virus that my dad blamed on wizard101, but I found out what was causing it, which was not wizard101.
Re: Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101
one of the ways you have been playing wizard101 too much is when you go to your dad and see an exclamation mark on top in your dream then ask "what quest do you have"?