Question: Is there any way you may acquire Training Points after say Level 65? I'm a Life/Storm 81 and would like to add a few other school spells to certain decks in order to construct for specific purposes. (i.e. Help and Support or Boss or Dungeon decks or what have you....) Is there anyone who might be able to assist me and let me know how to go about this? Thank you in advance. LS
There are other quests that give you training points such as Ogden Peake in Celestia Base Camp, he is the professor looking dog in the center and to the left as you come in. Yes as Eric said Prospector Zeke gives you training points for finding objects throughout the worlds. There is a list of all the training points you should have at what level if you google duelist101 training points. So level 81 I think you should have about 32 - 33 training points if you did all the quests.