Why would I stop receiving training points once I've begun Azteca? I am now lvl 88 and have been waiting for an extra training point so I can train for Potent Trap. As there are no multiprisms for Balance to train for free, I ended up using an extra one back in Avalon so I could get a multiprism for my secondary school and now I am short one for Potent Trap. Balance seems to always get the short end of the stick in this game.
Is this a glitch? Or can we NOT expect to receive any more training points in this game, even when the new world comes out?
Or worse yet, is this a ploy by KI to force players to spend crowns to buy back spent training points? This is not an option for me as it would cost me roughly 15 000 crowns to do so. I would rather spend my money on a new game before wasting it on that. An alternative buy back option, like buying back just from one school, would be much appreciated.
Should I just chock this up as another disappointing twist to Wizard101? If so, sorry KI, but you've lost another avid player. As a balance wizard I have no chance of finishing Azteca on my own without spending even more crowns on henchmen and being dependant on other wizards. Not my idea of an enjoyable game situation.
It's unfortunate that KI doesn't recognize that players that have reached the high levels are devoted players and would appreciate a sign from KI that they recognize those players are responsible for helping KI be the awesome company that it is. Recieving a birthday cake on KI's birthday just doesn't seem to send me that message.
Any insights on this would be greatly appreciated.