I am new. Only 3 weeks. I have a problem understanding the proper Etiqutte when you join a game (either wanted or by accident) I join, and I bring an enemy. Do I help the first position wizard? Or do I just take down my own foe? I'm unclear about the first place position, and if all the kills should be theirs? Or kill mine, then help if I can? Leave The kill to them? Yes? Or all kills belong to them and you still get credit for both? Sorry... sounds stupid... but I've tried to look and I cant seem to find any clear idea of what you are suppose to do??? Let it be known.. if I had my way.. I'd just kill em all.. but, thats not the proper Etiqutte, I am presuming? Thanks.. :) I am Destiny Moon.. (Stone, Bright, Blood, Cloud, and Dust)
I am new. Only 3 weeks. I have a problem understanding the proper Etiqutte when you join a game (either wanted or by accident) I join, and I bring an enemy. Do I help the first position wizard? Or do I just take down my own foe? I'm unclear about the first place position, and if all the kills should be theirs? Or kill mine, then help if I can? Leave The kill to them? Yes? Or all kills belong to them and you still get credit for both? Sorry... sounds stupid... but I've tried to look and I cant seem to find any clear idea of what you are suppose to do??? Let it be known.. if I had my way.. I'd just kill em all.. but, thats not the proper Etiqutte, I am presuming? Thanks.. :) I am Destiny Moon.. (Stone, Bright, Blood, Cloud, and Dust)
If I join by accident I usually kill off extra I brought in then start working on what was there, at lower levels taking extras hits from a monster can be difficult so getting them to focus on you is better. I say sry for joining also. Other wise I solo so only join if someone says Help.
I am new. Only 3 weeks. I have a problem understanding the proper Etiqutte when you join a game (either wanted or by accident) I join, and I bring an enemy. Do I help the first position wizard? Or do I just take down my own foe? I'm unclear about the first place position, and if all the kills should be theirs? Or kill mine, then help if I can? Leave The kill to them? Yes? Or all kills belong to them and you still get credit for both? Sorry... sounds stupid... but I've tried to look and I cant seem to find any clear idea of what you are suppose to do??? Let it be known.. if I had my way.. I'd just kill em all.. but, thats not the proper Etiqutte, I am presuming? Thanks.. :) I am Destiny Moon.. (Stone, Bright, Blood, Cloud, and Dust)
I'm not sure if it's proper, but when I join a fight either accidentally or on purpose, I usually attack the new enemy that I brought into the fight. The only exception might be that if I see the person in the first position is in danger with low health, I try to heal them (if I can), and then attack any enemies that are targeting the first position.
And if I did get pulled in accidentally, I always say "sorry".
First, try to always ask before you join a duel. Players really appreciate that.
Second, the third monster is yours. Most people's motto is, "If you draw it in, you kill it." Then you try to keep yourself and the person in the first circle alive.
Tips from Scarlet Nightdreamer, Transcended Diviner of Epicness
I am new. Only 3 weeks. I have a problem understanding the proper Etiqutte when you join a game (either wanted or by accident) I join, and I bring an enemy. Do I help the first position wizard? Or do I just take down my own foe? I'm unclear about the first place position, and if all the kills should be theirs? Or kill mine, then help if I can? Leave The kill to them? Yes? Or all kills belong to them and you still get credit for both? Sorry... sounds stupid... but I've tried to look and I cant seem to find any clear idea of what you are suppose to do??? Let it be known.. if I had my way.. I'd just kill em all.. but, thats not the proper Etiqutte, I am presuming? Thanks.. :) I am Destiny Moon.. (Stone, Bright, Blood, Cloud, and Dust)
Hi Destiny,
Of course, this is my humble opinion, but I think the answer to your questions is this:
For optimum pleasure in team situations, get a feel for the mood in the battle circle. Whether by accident of personalities or established friendships, some teams are friendlier than others; some groups are less social and welcoming.
If the others in the battle circle seem positive and social, it's likely that they will enjoy contributing to the entire group's performance. This is best exemplified by the way my sisters and I share blades, shields, heals, etc. We simply enjoy working together to win the battle, and it doesn't matter to us if one or the other uses a colossal AoE (attack all enemies) or a well-bladed single hit. We are confident that the battle will be won, and everyone will stay healthy :) My sisters and I also welcome an extra wizard int he battle circle; we are always friendly to newcomers.
The opposite scenario occurs when you are accidentally drawn into an in-progress street battle. Sometimes the timing is bad, and you draw a new monster just as the other wizards finish off the original ones. This is a sensitive scenario, as there is lots of chatter about wizards entering battles and then fleeing, or lower level wizards entering battles and then begging to be healed. If the mistake is sincere, a simple, "oops, sorry" should suffice to calm the others in the circle. Regardless, entering a battle circle and drawing a new monster means that the new player should take responsibility for the battle. If this means healing a wizard who is near death or helping to blade another wizard who has lots of pips, that's great. It is not ever cool to enter a battle, draw monsters, and then flee.
In either situation, the etiquette is to greet the other players with a simple "hi :) " and assess how you can contribute to the battle. Regardless of the reception you get from the other players, you should remain positive, contribute however you are able to the team effort, and remember to say "please" and "thank you" when someone does something nice for you in battle.
Some details to look for:
1) Are any of the other players in need of a heal? Can you heal them? 2) Could sharing a shield make someone else's experience better? 3) Does another wizard have a full tray of pips and/or lots of blades in place? If so, look for traps and feint on a monster and AVOID hitting it.Don't use an AoE hit before that wizard has the chance to use her/his set up. 4) Can your wand hit break a shield to help another wizard get a good hit? If so, help a wizard out :)
Short answer: Be a positive presence, think teamwork, remember to speak politely.
Before entering another person's battle, I will ask if I can join. If I don't get a reply, I go somewhere else. If I'm dragged into another person's battle, I apologize and help them as much as possible. It may be by giving them blades, healing them, shielding them, placing traps on the opponents, etc.
I am new. Only 3 weeks. I have a problem understanding the proper Etiqutte when you join a game (either wanted or by accident) I join, and I bring an enemy. Do I help the first position wizard? Or do I just take down my own foe? I'm unclear about the first place position, and if all the kills should be theirs? Or kill mine, then help if I can? Leave The kill to them? Yes? Or all kills belong to them and you still get credit for both? Sorry... sounds stupid... but I've tried to look and I cant seem to find any clear idea of what you are suppose to do??? Let it be known.. if I had my way.. I'd just kill em all.. but, thats not the proper Etiqutte, I am presuming? Thanks.. :) I am Destiny Moon.. (Stone, Bright, Blood, Cloud, and Dust)
Hey there, and welcome to the Spiral!
Each school has different strengths and weaknesses, and people will expect you to do things a certain way... but what you do in battle is entirely up to you. For example:
If you're Balance, like my first wizard was, you have options: you can buff/shield/heal yourself or others, or you can attack the enemy. That said, asking a Balance wizard to break shields makes no sense, because she has no efficient way to do so... Much better to have a Myth or Fire teammate take care of that part, since they have better tools available for that specific task.
In combat:
The person in the first spot is always the one targeted by the enemy, until someone else attacks and draws attention to herself. Depending on how tough the enemies are, you may need to keep that one person shielded/healed, etc~ this is especially true for high-level boss dungeons.
For dungeons, some groups decide to have a "hammer" (usually a Fire or Storm wizard, because they can one-hit-kill virtually anything); in such an instance, the other team members will buff that specific person and makes sure that s/he stays alive long enough to deliver that big hit.
IF YOU JOIN SOMEONE'S BATTLE UNINVITED: Yes, it's common courtesy to help that person out~ heal, shield or buff her, and help to take down the extra enemy that you dragged in. Joining and fleeing a fight isn't fair to that person; likewise, telling someone to "keep passing and let me kill" won't win you many friends, because it's rude. On that note, trying to take control of a battle you didn't initiate (giving orders, when the other players were there first, for example) is extremely rude and highly frowned upon, especially at the higher levels.
Experience is given based on what spells YOU cast in combat, nothing more~ this is to prevent what other games call "kill-stealing", which is taking credit for someone else's work. If you join uninvited, don't kill the enemies unless you dragged them in~ if you're in a team, you guys can decide amongst yourselves who does what as soon as you get into battle.
I hope this helps, and that some others will add to the list!
2. DO NOT attack an enemy that is surrounded by traps (offensive shields) with a little piddly spell. That will really anger people. I'm in death school, and that can kill me because i depend on the health i get from attacking heavily trapped enemies. If in doubt by all the shields swarming an enemy, focus your attack on the monster you dragged in.
3. DO NOT flee. Pull your weight and do something. Anything! Die if you must. But don't flee! Wizards who drag in monsters then flee should all be destroyed!
Thank you all for all the help in your answers. I think I have a better understanding now! I've had a few yell because I killed their enemy, or other things. But, I am getting the hang of it now! :) Thanks again to all for your helpfulness!
Thank you all for all the help in your answers. I think I have a better understanding now! I've had a few yell because I killed their enemy, or other things. But, I am getting the hang of it now! :) Thanks again to all for your helpfulness!
You're welcome and have fun exploring the worlds of the Spiral!
I am new. Only 3 weeks. I have a problem understanding the proper Etiqutte when you join a game (either wanted or by accident) I join, and I bring an enemy. Do I help the first position wizard? Or do I just take down my own foe? I'm unclear about the first place position, and if all the kills should be theirs? Or kill mine, then help if I can? Leave The kill to them? Yes? Or all kills belong to them and you still get credit for both? Sorry... sounds stupid... but I've tried to look and I cant seem to find any clear idea of what you are suppose to do??? Let it be known.. if I had my way.. I'd just kill em all.. but, thats not the proper Etiqutte, I am presuming? Thanks.. :) I am Destiny Moon.. (Stone, Bright, Blood, Cloud, and Dust)
Well, try to help the first person and kill the enemy. Storm and fire, it is going to be hard for them to shield the first person or anything like that. So, i order for them to help, the kill. I am a balance wizard so i shield and attack.
I am new. Only 3 weeks. I have a problem understanding the proper Etiqutte when you join a game (either wanted or by accident) I join, and I bring an enemy. Do I help the first position wizard? Or do I just take down my own foe? I'm unclear about the first place position, and if all the kills should be theirs? Or kill mine, then help if I can? Leave The kill to them? Yes? Or all kills belong to them and you still get credit for both? Sorry... sounds stupid... but I've tried to look and I cant seem to find any clear idea of what you are suppose to do??? Let it be known.. if I had my way.. I'd just kill em all.. but, thats not the proper Etiqutte, I am presuming? Thanks.. :) I am Destiny Moon.. (Stone, Bright, Blood, Cloud, and Dust)
Well, try to help the first person and kill the enemy. Storm and fire, it is going to be hard for them to shield the first person or anything like that. So, i order for them to help, the kill. I am a balance wizard so i shield and attack.
Actually Storm and Fire can shield just as well as any other school. ;) Trust me, you actually want these guys to help in a duel. Keep the enemies focused on you and try to help blade them for a one shot kill. It really makes questing easier.