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Ultra Dungeon Drops?

May 27, 2013
I was reading the update notes today, and I noticed for the new ultra dungeons it states "You can receive Ultra Dungeons as rewards from battling bosses or purchase them in the Crown Shop." I was wondering if anyone knew what bosses drop the Ultra Dungeons?

Sep 15, 2013
Got Zeus's exalted challenge while farming for my hades gear in tartarus.

May 27, 2013
interesting and good to know, so maybe they drop from bosses related to the duel?

Jul 26, 2011
I've gotten the Rattlebones Exalted from Rattlebones in Unicorn Way.

Aug 31, 2012
Rattlebones is the most common ultra dungeon I've seen. All you have to do is farm Rattlebones for it. It's so easy to get, but I've heard that the drop rates are very low.

Dec 30, 2012
I got Rattlebones and I don't even remember how LOL.
it was on my level five life as wel so I would assume Rattlebones himself dropped it. What a lucky drop, I wasn't even trying!

Aug 25, 2013
Rattlebones from unicorn way drops the rattle bones master and exalted ones so get grinding

May 27, 2013
sweet thank you everyone, this has been very informative. I assume krokopatra drops her duel so I will try farming her and see what happens.

thank you all for replying!

Mar 24, 2009
According to wizard101central, Jade Oni drops all the duels (Rattlebones, Krokopatra and Meowiarty). I farmed him 15 times and didn't get any, so I'm not sure if that's true. Anyone else get anything from him?

Sep 17, 2012
I've gotten Exalted Rattlebones, Krokopatra, Meowiarty and Zeus dropped by the Jade Oni. I also got the first 3 dropped by their original bosses.

Feb 21, 2015
So far I have received two Meowiarty Exalted dungeons from Morganthe drops after several runs but no others from her yet.

Aug 03, 2012
You get the ultra dungeons from the original bosses.

Sep 17, 2012
I'm curious, have any exalted players gotten drops of any of the lower level dungeons. On my 100 level Myth I've gotten 8-9 drops from Jade Oni, only Exalted level. Just curious if higher levels CAN get the master and archmage level dungeons. I'm getting a pretty regular number of drops for the Exalted but haven't seen any Master or Archmage levels drop from the original Bosses or Jade Oni.

Mar 13, 2010
seethe42 on Jul 21, 2015 wrote:
I'm curious, have any exalted players gotten drops of any of the lower level dungeons. On my 100 level Myth I've gotten 8-9 drops from Jade Oni, only Exalted level. Just curious if higher levels CAN get the master and archmage level dungeons. I'm getting a pretty regular number of drops for the Exalted but haven't seen any Master or Archmage levels drop from the original Bosses or Jade Oni.
My Exalted Life has received several Master and a couple Archmage Level Drops from the Jade Oni in addition to Exalted Duels.

I've only gotten Exalted from Morganthe and I've, personally, gotten nothing from Rattlebones. Several Exalted friends have gotten each level of his Duel from him, though.

Sep 17, 2012
PaigeGoldenspear on Jul 22, 2015 wrote:
My Exalted Life has received several Master and a couple Archmage Level Drops from the Jade Oni in addition to Exalted Duels.

I've only gotten Exalted from Morganthe and I've, personally, gotten nothing from Rattlebones. Several Exalted friends have gotten each level of his Duel from him, though.
After reading your post I finally got Master Krokopatra & Rattlebones from Jade Oni. I still find it odd that I've gotten 14 Exalted before getting only 2 Master.

Apr 14, 2014
I'm a 43 wizard and I got the Rattlebones Master Dungeon on my fourth shot yesterday. Its pretty simple to get and quite faster than I thought.

Jun 12, 2015
Ok here is from where you get them, either from the Jade Oni, the last boss in mooshu, located in the emperors throne room, or from the original bosses, witch are in the dungeons.

Emily Dawnflower lvl. 43

Jun 12, 2015
Darkwing228877 on Aug 10, 2015 wrote:
Ok here is from where you get them, either from the Jade Oni, the last boss in mooshu, located in the emperors throne room, or from the original bosses, witch are in the dungeons.

Emily Dawnflower lvl. 43
Adding on to what I said earlier, you get these drops from Rattlebones, Zues, Jade Oni, Chrounus, and Meowiarty and Cleopatra, the krok versoin.
There are more, but I do not know them yet.

Also before the name it will say a wizard lvl like exalted, if you are below that lvl, i suggest you so not try the dungeon, because there is a high chance that you will not make it.

Emily Dawnflower lvl. 43

Aug 20, 2012
Where are the meowiarity drops? Where are the Krokopatra?

Nov 16, 2013
Samuel Strider on Jul 16, 2015 wrote:
I was reading the update notes today, and I noticed for the new ultra dungeons it states "You can receive Ultra Dungeons as rewards from battling bosses or purchase them in the Crown Shop." I was wondering if anyone knew what bosses drop the Ultra Dungeons?
jade oni,morganthe,krokopatra and rattlebones are the ones i know but their are many more.

Dec 26, 2013
FionaFirepyre on Oct 16, 2015 wrote:
Where are the meowiarity drops? Where are the Krokopatra?
The easiest place I've found to get ALL of the dungeon drops is from the Jade Oni. The nice thing is you don't have to leave the palace to reset the fight... just keep going back to the obelisk and you can reset it as many times as you like. I've gotten all versions of all of the dungeons here. Master, Archmage and Exalted - Rattlebones, Krokopatra, Meowiarty and Zeus.

May 10, 2013
Samuel Strider on Jul 16, 2015 wrote:
I was reading the update notes today, and I noticed for the new ultra dungeons it states "You can receive Ultra Dungeons as rewards from battling bosses or purchase them in the Crown Shop." I was wondering if anyone knew what bosses drop the Ultra Dungeons?
Rattlebones, Krokopatra, Jade Oni, Starburst Spiders, Ghost Dog, Kraveleny the Hunter, and way more do drop these duels. In order for Kravenly to drop it you have to do the Galleries version.

This is funny
I made a level 5 death and I fell off my chair when I got the exalted duel.
Then I made a level 5 fire and he got the Master Duel.
Then my Life was on Jade Oni and I'm like, what will I get know?

Feb 07, 2011
Samuel Strider on Jul 16, 2015 wrote:
I was reading the update notes today, and I noticed for the new ultra dungeons it states "You can receive Ultra Dungeons as rewards from battling bosses or purchase them in the Crown Shop." I was wondering if anyone knew what bosses drop the Ultra Dungeons?
here are the ones i've gotten so far:

krok exalted and meowiarty arch/exalted- tse-tse snaketail and starburst spiders (both in mirror lake)
rattle exalted (rattlebones in unicorn way)

i farmed jade oni for an entire evening (ran myself out of 6000 health twice without ever healing, only refilled potion once i was at like 300 health) and got nothing. so i stick with the others.

-von "better the devil you know" shadowsong

May 07, 2015
got krokopatra exalted while fighting krokopatra on my level 68 fire

Jan 29, 2014
I got Meowiarty Normal duel & Rattlebones exalted from Rattlebones in Unicorn way