Is there anyone who knows if there is another website (other than the wiki and possibly central) that has the most up to date badge information for the game. I am on a personal quest on my lvl 90 life wizard to collect every badge possible. I have been seeing different badges out on some players (one example being "blooded battler"). I tried to look it up online and was not able to find anything on it. If anyone knows of a site, or can offer any information pertaining to this question, I hope they will be kind enough to share it.
Is there anyone who knows if there is another website (other than the wiki and possibly central) that has the most up to date badge information for the game. I am on a personal quest on my lvl 90 life wizard to collect every badge possible. I have been seeing different badges out on some players (one example being "blooded battler"). I tried to look it up online and was not able to find anything on it. If anyone knows of a site, or can offer any information pertaining to this question, I hope they will be kind enough to share it.
Thanks in advance:
Marcus Lifegiver Lvl 90 wizard .
Haven't found another website. But there was another posting on here: