Helloooooo, I've started playing again after at least a year or so (on Pirate now with a max Bucc) and I have to say... my nostalgia was overwhelmed with shock. I never noticed when I was younger how blurry most of the textures are, at least for older worlds like Wizard City. Not saying they look bad, but there's definitely a shift from Wizard City to Khrysalis. Will W101 ever get good textures and detail like P101? What I'm asking mostly, is will there be an overhaul or refinement of textures to match Pirate? I noticed new cinematic angles were added when talking to NPCs, like P101. That's great! It adds more life to the game, now for textures to match?
It would be cool, but they just got done laying off quite a few people and they're gearing up for the Mirage world update at some point (did you see the spoiler on facebook today? It looks like it's going to have pretty awesome graphics). I would guess that if this ever did happen, it wouldn't be for quite a while.
It may also occur over a long period of time instead of just all at once too. Please keep in mind that Those first few worlds were in the early days...
I'm really hoping they update the old worlds and spells. I feel like more current graphics will help draw people to the game and keep them here. I love the game either way, but I feel like good graphics would do it some favors.
A lot of the original mounts need some work too. Compare any horse mount made in the last year or two vs. horse mounts in the early years. It's like it's not even the same game. Those dragon mounts are just as bad.
It may also occur over a long period of time instead of just all at once too. Please keep in mind that Those first few worlds were in the early days...
They also only take days to get past. The work involved in redoing them all aren't likely to pay off in my opinion.