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Want Help? Want to help others?

May 13, 2010
So call me a noob or whatever you want but, I am going to put it out there any way. I am a older player who has been playing for a while I have a legendary balance, magus necromancer, and a newly started lvl four theurgist wizard. I personally love the game and have often times seen people asking for help on the message boards or in game situations. I try to help as much as I can and really enjoy the feelings I get from doing so but, have found that as my magus necromancer I get fewer requests for help :( I find that it helps to break away from questing to help others it makes my time spent here in the spiral more fullfilling in real life. I hope that I am not alone in this experience so, I purpose a group to meet every other night starting on Friday January 21st at 8:15p.m. (central time) on Unicorn Way at the statute in the park in realm pixie. I think that if we can get the word out that there are people who are willing to help we could see a change in the way some of the people play. Instead of being called names or any other such immature actions by players who wish to solo the game or just do not want to be troubled people could come and ask questions (even if you think they are dumb ones) or get help with dungeons or any other quest. As we all know we can always use more gold or drops so why not get that and that warm fuzzy feeling you get from helping someone. We will not be there to help people through all of their quests but, say you got that one boss who you just can not beat or the dungeon that you have pulled your hair out trying to get through alone. And yes even you soloist game players out there like myself who get to that point and would really rather a live helper than a henchman. I hope that there are at least a few others out there who will answer the call to aid all those who need help if not oh well I will be there for anyone who needs help. Look for me at the statue in Unicorn Park on Unicorn Way every other night starting Friday January 21st at 8:15p.m. (central time) in realm pixie Valdus Darkheart lvl 31 magus necromancer. It would be cool if many more diffrent lvl players come to offer aid to those who have questions as I know much about the game but, I know there are many others who know way more than I do. I think this would be a good trend to start and maybe this way so many of the newer or younger players could come and get advice or help. I am sorry this is long but, as it is my first posting I hope all will forgive me. :-) I hope to see many players who both need help and wish to help posting to this for a long time to come and in the game seeking me out.

Kane Nightwraith, Legendary Sorcerer
Valdus Darkheart, Magus Necromancer
Kane Lifebringer, Novice Theurgist

Aug 17, 2009
I think this is a great idea! I find it annoying when you have that one boss that you can't do alone and don't have anyone online!
Ellie Dreamglade
Lvl 31 Storm Wizard

May 02, 2009
Good idea. I know that there are many people who need help but are afraid to ask for fear of being harrassed and name-called and bullied.

I like to help people out too, but I like it if people try it out for themselves first and see if they can do it by themselves rather than just take one look at the boss and/or minion and freak out and ask for help.

Oh, and do you think you could have the meeting earlier in the day, as 8:15 is a little late, and most will probably be getting off, are off or rapping up what they're doing.

Perhaps having the meeting at like 6:15 or something might be better, as that seems like a much more reasonable time, at least to me it does.

Again, great idea, but if your gonna plan events, you need to take time into consderation and think about a good time where the highest amount of people can show up at; just a friendly word of advice.

Thank you for your time.

May 13, 2010
unfortunately I am only available after 8:15p.m. (central time). I was hoping to get something started and have a group of people to help out so that eventually, there will be someone at the statue at all times so people can go there and get help or find out when the next helper or more helpers would be coming. If we can get started as we go we may find more and more people to help and who want to help. Please try to get the word out as most people do not seem to be reading this post and hopefully we can get it going so that players will have a place to go to ask for friends and help without fear of someone calling them names or (have seen this alot) being asked why should I be your friend or help you. I do play at other times but, this is the only time i can devote my full attention to the computer. I hope to see you and many others come forth and offer their help so that we can have players on at almost any time who will be there at the statue for anyone who needs a helping hand. I am also in total agreement with the idea that people should try things themselves first. The idea first came to me while playing my legendary balance as I solo alot and was running into bosses or dungeons that were really tough to get through alone.

Aug 06, 2010
Well - I seem to make my helping rounds no matter what level wizard I play - no matter what world. :)

A person will stand in the commons area of whichever world and ask "Can anyone help?" Just yesterday I had to tell someone that Golem was a solo tower - and at level 5, he should wait till he was few levels higher, and had more than 500 health, and a potion.

There is no shortage of people who need help. But it's hard to find a time that works for everyone. I'm on western time myself - so earlier times don't work for me.

Even if there isn't an "organized" help group, we as individuals can be aware and open to help others. (The tough part is when you have 3 cries for help and only 1 of you!)

Nora RavenSong lvl 60 balance
Ellie NightWeaver lvl 46 death
Lenora LionHeart lvl 37 myth
Nora SeaStone lvl 16 storm

May 13, 2010
ellielee wrote:
Well - I seem to make my helping rounds no matter what level wizard I play - no matter what world. :)

A person will stand in the commons area of whichever world and ask "Can anyone help?" Just yesterday I had to tell someone that Golem was a solo tower - and at level 5, he should wait till he was few levels higher, and had more than 500 health, and a potion.

There is no shortage of people who need help. But it's hard to find a time that works for everyone. I'm on western time myself - so earlier times don't work for me.

Even if there isn't an "organized" help group, we as individuals can be aware and open to help others. (The tough part is when you have 3 cries for help and only 1 of you!)

Nora RavenSong lvl 60 balance
Ellie NightWeaver lvl 46 death
Lenora LionHeart lvl 37 myth
Nora SeaStone lvl 16 storm

That is what I am saying. See so many people need help if there were people from all time zones in on this we could basically have at least one person at the statue at all times taking a list of help needed say the first five or six people needing help and they could then pass it to the next person coming on on their way out. My hope is that there would be more than one there at a time but, as of yet the idea does not seem to be gaining any ground. Person or persons there could help people in the first come first served fashion and then drop a line when they were leaving to the next in line saying go to statue and find Valdus Darkheart(example) he will be helping you. All of the wizards involved could friend each other then say hey i am going off can you cover for a while or say I am giong offline but, Valdus Darkheart(example) will be on at 8:00 or whatever and he can help you ya know. Come on everybody let's start this and see if we can not bring a bit more enjoyment to ourselves and others around the spiral. If we can get a large enough group we could even start sending people out to find people who need help on other worlds that do not know of us yet. oh yeah I am sure someone could come with a cool group name so let us start thinking on that too.

Sep 18, 2009
Um questions are for the messsage boards but yeah if you ever need that help with that boss and stuff like that. Or if you are looking for someone to pvp with.

Jul 13, 2009
I think this would be nice, wish this idea was around when my storm was in marleybone. I think I would try and help, if I could find something that tells the time zones so I can figure out what time it would be for me I have a lot of tie when I'm bored of my quests and my friends are offline or when I just simply want to help people. Wish more people would post cause I think this is a good idea...

Amber Stormsong master diviner in the crucible (did I spell that right?)

Amber Sandrunner magus socerer in katzenstien's lab (come to think of it that's one dunfeon I can't get past...)

Oct 17, 2010
I think this is a delightful idea! Maybe those who would be willing to help could congregate around some central fugure, like the Unicorn statue, on the hour mark. That way it would be open to all and not as crowded. Can you imagine everyone who needed help showing up in Pixie at 8pm EST? Daunting.

Aug 10, 2010
I like the idea! I really enjoy helping out with dungeons and bosses. Sometimes, I hang around nightside. There have been days when I have done sunken city 4-5 times.
Maybe we can just designate the statue as the meeting place for helpers all the time. If you're bored, hang out by the statue. Once word gets out, it will be a busy place. :-D

I would just ask that we reject requests to take someone where they shouldn't be. (Malistaire or Celestia)

Logan Skullrider lvl 59 Balance
Timothy Lionstalker lvl 52 Death

Dec 21, 2008
You have my support. I have my own little........operation going similar to this one but it works one on one with the person instead of meeting in a group. I am level 60 Ice School, and am happy to help you and your cause out in any way possible. :D

Ryan FrostShard - Legend of the Ice Arts

May 13, 2010
It is great to see the intrest in my idea picking up and I was there at the statue for a while on friday and again on sunday but, was sadly all alone. I did get to friend requests but, they promtly took of before I could even ask if they wanted help. To all of you that wish to help out I am there every other night at 8:15p.m. (central time) in realm pixie zone 1 or2. I am totally for people begining to hang out there at the statue regardless of time to help others out and yes if you see some one asking for help tell them about it. I think it would be great if this could really start taking off and would love to see some people showing up for help. I was really bored doing circles around the statue for the time I was there. Thanks to all of you for your support and I hope to see you and many others coming forth soon. 8)

Feb 25, 2010
Maybe more Legendary players could "sign up" to be assistants. Maybe set up a thing where once an hour, an assistant goes to the school tower of his school at the top of the hour (central time) in say Ambrose realm (since that is default for free players) and helps people.
Someone needs to sign up to be the etiquette teacher, maybe Saturday mornings at 10 am Central, all the new players meet in the Life tower.

I don't know. I think this is a good idea. We just need to coordinate our efforts. :D

May 16, 2009
This is a great idea! I am only level 27, but I would love to help all I can. :)

Dec 21, 2008
Devil, if time zones for players are an issue, I think i can help ya there. I live on west coast and I have a friend whom I am sure would love to help who lives on the east coast. I am currently almost done with all of w101 quests (just 1 more quest to go!!!!!!!! ), and I will try to be at the statue around 8:15 your time, to see how we can get this idea up and running.

Ryan FrostShard - Legend of the Ice Arts

Dec 27, 2010
Great idea. You can count me in, I would love to help people. (Though I've been pretty busy with quests, I will still come when I'm available) Its a really good idea. Either way. You can count me in. :)

Austin DragonTamer: Lvl 27 Adept Pyromancer.

Nov 26, 2010
I have somthing to add. you could do it every friday and saturday night.
I'll also help.

Taylor Darkstrider level 38
P.S. Time zones are an issue..... a BIG issue
i can help at 7:15 mountain time not for too long though i can't play after 8:30 mountain on the week days.

Jan 28, 2010
This is a wonderful idea. I am at the statue right waiting to see if anyone shows up. I am on the east cost. Not sure if it's the right day or not but I am there. Also I do need alittle help myself I need 28 nature's wrath treasure cards. I am crafting a house. This to might seem easy but it is not. I can not craft them since i am balance. I have also came across allot of rude people while trying to find these. :( They like to call names or say they have them then run off. So if anyone can help me with this i will try my best to find a way to repay you. It my help if you need it, or with some other treasure cards. Also I want to add i did and still am trying to buy them at the bazaar no such luck i have only gotten 4 after weeks of trying. Anyway I am Heather IceWhisper lvl 60 balance. If you see me and need help just ask. Have a great day. :D :D :D

Dec 30, 2010
Thanks Daivd King and the otheres for this idea.
I help people all the time but I can only get help some time.
I will be at the statue, in realm pixie on Feb 2, 2011.
If there are poeple who can meet at the 8:00 pm. i will happy to meet at anytime.


Machenizie Thunder Whisper, lvl 35, school Storm.

Jun 14, 2010
I think that it's a good idea to do this cause lots of wizards need help(including me )but for people like me in eastern time it's 9:15pm so it would be a problem for those in the E.S.T. But anyways good idea for people in the cst mst or pst

Jan 17, 2011
Just wanted to say thank-you and Hi to the one's I met last night. There were 2 Grandmasters. Couldn't read they're names cause they were standing too close to each other. I'm not sure, but I think one said Ryan, and the lady Legionnaire I couldn't read her name,(she had a Satyr for a pet playing a pan flute) but was friendly ( I still feel intimidated by the Grandmasters when in the game, even though she said not to) and of course MacKenzie,who did help me and my buddy for a bit. Thank-you Mackenzie! This is such a cool idea, and I hope y'all are for socializing as well, not just to help. I would love to make new friends, and I'm one of the older folk playing the game.

Robert Dragonrider lvl 21

Dec 30, 2010
balisik23 wrote:
I think that it's a good idea to do this cause lots of wizards need help(including me )but for people like me in eastern time it's 9:15pm so it would be a problem for those in the E.S.T. But anyways good idea for people in the cst mst or pst

I am storm, my level is 36. If I can help you than i can meet you at your time 8:15 pm. Just leave message for when.

Machenizie Thunder Whisper, lvl 36, school Storm :?

Jun 06, 2009
Great Idea, if you all are still meeting from time to time let me know when the next one is I'm a level Magus Necromancer as well and I'm willing to help anyone.
Please let me know when the next meeting is, thanks.- Angel

Jan 01, 2009
Maybe the answer is easier than we thought. If you can help, go to the statue at Unicorn Way in whatever realm you are in. Stay there to help as long as you can. And answer questions if new players ask. If we do this when we can in every realm, the word will spread like wildfire. Soon more helpers will come and more new quest seekers will too. If no one is at the statue in your realm, change and you might find the help you seek. Our aim is to have help at every statue in every realm all the time, but we will have to build up to it. This is a worthy cause, and I encourage all of you to help if you can.

Michael Nightgem, Death Wizard level 38

Feb 19, 2010
I can be on "duty" on Scarecrow realm after 7:30 pm EST. most days.
I usually help wherever I can anyway so this will work nicely.

James Deathmancer - Grandmaster Necromancer
James Firestrider - Initiate Pyromancer