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We clearly don't understand

May 24, 2009
The reason for this post is because I seen many people asking questions and complaining about celestia, the new schools, training points, and the level cap increase. Well first of all i disagree with every complain posted about celestia and all the new stuff. Why? Because we clearly don't know for sure whats going to happen. I am sure KI is doing a great job working on these great updates and we shouldn't complain until we know whats actually going on. If this would end up in a disaster, KI should have been knowing and they might have never made these announcements. We know that they been working hard and we should give them a break. And for those that are impatient, just wait! They won't tell us the icon for celestia, title of new levels, and monsters, etc.. i clearly know that they won't tell us this because it would be a spoiler and they would have ruined the surprises they hold for us the players. And we should understand that they want to make it a surprise for us. We should at least make some predictions, thoughts, story's but not ask for them as spoilers. Well thats all i have to say and i ask what you think about it. Please don't complain of what i just said, this is just my expression of whats going on.

Thanks for reading! :)

Feb 27, 2009
True, true. Its hard not to wonder and worry, but at least keep it to yourself...

Apr 10, 2009
you just gave the accual RIGHT answer! wow, finally SOMEONE gets it! i hate it when people complain about "WE CANT GET MORE TRAINING POINTS! HOW CAN KI DO THIS? ALL WE WANT TO DO IS CHECK OUT THE OTHER SCHOOLS!" or " I DONT WANNA LEVEL UP ANY MORE!" or, wow, even "WHERE ARE THEY GOING TO PUT THE NEW SCHOOLS? THERE ISN'T ENOUGH ROOM IN RAVENWOOD! WAAAA!" um...... ok then!

KI is smart, trust me, if it would have a negitive effect on the game they wouldn't put it in. we dont know about what they are going to do SO STOP COMPLAINING. btw, i hear we are going to get more training points, maybe not a lot but some :)

P.S. i like caps lock

Jan 12, 2010
i hope any of you'll take this as a complaint but..........can't they make a death world!!!!! it may not seem like a good idea but it would SOOOOO cool ;) ;) !!!!there could be more spells for every school, but mainly death because it would be a death world. but like in death school the death tree carries at least every schools card like pacify!!!!! :P :P :P 8)

but i'm just saying after celestia


Jan 03, 2009
Thank you for understanding. The reason we don't know all this stuff is cause KI is being very mysterious and they,re doing it ON PURPOSE to get us excited. So people plz stop complaining and just accept what there is. 8) Also someone else was wondering (I couldn't find it again I hope you allow this info if it was you who said it) why people are complaining because almost everyone has been posting that they want new spells, or schools, or worlds. Now it's all here, and people are unhappy? Everyone should calm down and just wait I can just about guarantee you that you will be happy with the final result.

Jul 31, 2009
Thank you Diablo. I have been reading the message boards for awhile and have only made one post until now. Never have I seen so much complaining! From crafting to PvP and everything in between, complaining. I am an old hard core gamer from way back and am old enough to be a grand parent to many who play on here so let me say this: This game is one of the BEST I have ever played. KI has a fantastic game here and work hard on making it better so tone down the complaining a bit. If the game bothers some so much stop playing,either that or enjoy what KI is doing. I for one am looking forward to what they are adding and I'm sure they will have addressed the things that so many people are worried about. Take a breath, trust KI to do it's thing and keep playing a great game that is getting better all the time.

Jun 26, 2009
i hope any of you'll take this as a complaint but..........can't they make a death world!!!!! it may not seem like a good idea but it would SOOOOO cool ;) ;) !!!!there could be more spells for every school, but mainly death because it would be a death world. but like in death school the death tree carries at least every schools card like pacify!!!!! :P :P :P 8)

but i'm just saying after celestia


well ds is kinda a death and fire world

Aug 15, 2009
The complaints are coming out of frustration of waiting. The complaints are unjustified, but hey, uninformed minds like to complain and fear the worst.
As per KI purposely generating excitement, well, i was excited and now dont really care when things come out. They come when they come, and personally after seven wizards, i am starting to get bored. I am an uninformed mind that chooses to be bored rather than complain. The only two spires i like so far is Krokotopia and Mooshu because they are well written, nice to explore, decent drops. I like the housing and pet drops. I dont even expect a house in celestia. Grizzle doesnt have houses so why should celestia. And, while i am looking forward to celestia being as good as krok or mooshu, I would get REAL excited if they expanded krok and mooshu. DS is nice, but expanding that would seem anticlimatic. Anyways, hope celestia is mooshu or krokotopia nice or it will be just another grizzle or marleybone

Feb 27, 2009
i hope any of you'll take this as a complaint but..........can't they make a death world!!!!! it may not seem like a good idea but it would SOOOOO cool ;) ;) !!!!there could be more spells for every school, but mainly death because it would be a death world. but like in death school the death tree carries at least every schools card like pacify!!!!! :P :P :P 8)

but i'm just saying after celestia
