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We want your ideas and feedback!

Sep 20, 2008
May 02, 2009
Add the first name 'Brett' to the name list.

Add the suffix 'Justice' to the name list.

Some sort of crafting system, where users could convert loot into raw materials or monsters could drop raw materials, which users could create their own items to complete their outfits.

Allow users to sell treasure cards for gold (or crowns? 1 card == 1 crown == crown to gold exchange rate).

Please don't take this the wrong way, but the whole number restriction thing really sucks. Everyone uses sound alike words or other means to express the numbers anyway, and I think it is bad for busness to have this implemented. Perhaps you could limit numbers to be only three characters long, and prohibit spaces between number sets. Also you could prevent numbers being mixed with letters. I noticed you already do this with certain words, so the system is already in place.

12three45 == not allowed
123 456 == not allowed
123f5s7 == not allowed
a55 h0l3 == not allowed

I need 459 more arena points == allowed
I am level 18 == allowed

I hope you get the picture.

Another big complaint I am seeing, is the arena match system. I noticed you have it picking users accross servers, this is a great idea and works very well. There are some issues though, I noticed with the group combat. If I am level 7, my team mate is an appropriate level, around 7ish, but then our opponents could end up being level 20-30 or who knows. So it seems that the opponent search has some issues which need to be worked out. I don't know if you just check rank and thats all or what, but perhaps you could first do a rank check, then a level check. Or else a level check and then a rank check. Although my character is around level 17-19ish, I can still beat people 25-30ish. This is probably because I am a knight and they are just privates. This doesn't seem very fair. If there was a rank to rank check and then a level to level check, I think people won't feel so bothered by the loss.

Also, you might want to prevent users in 1v1 matches from fighting the same opponent over and over. I noticed that this could be exploited to take turns throwing a match in order to gain arena tickets. After two users participate in the arena, put in a 5 min timer to prevent them from fighting eachother again. They can still enter the arena, and fight other people, but for 5 mins, they can not fight eachother. If two people fight, and get the timer, then one of them fights a different guy and then re-enter, the timer is lifted. In other words, if it is not consecutive, they can fight, but if they try to keep dueling over and over, they have to wait 5 mins between battles.

The number thing is really annoying, please consider what I wrote.

Feb 07, 2009
well i have ideas friends should be able to trade merchandise and stuff through friends list and well no trade is no trade . a higher level besides fifty and being able to buy houses or castle to members on the same account. plus have game like mini games for friends to join in or friends to be able to buy stuff for friends and hand them out stuff you win or buy. how about tiger world or cat, griffin world or death world or cloud city with storm characters
well we need more stuff like luxurious beds and bathroom stuff or party stuff like for costume party in castles,maybe design you self color and stuff make yourself there, how about changing the weather on your castle or homes, but mostly being able to design you own cards and trap ghouls or monsters you fight in them

thank you for listening
grandmaster of fire

Dec 13, 2008
Well in stores i think there should be.....

i think there should be bed spreds of malister, meowiarty, lord nightshades krokopatra, krokhotep, krokhanm ect.

maybe trading cards you could log in and get that card or a card of clothes, housing items, special castles( pyramid of the sun, tomb of storms, krokospinx ect.)or special pets ( all the new pets for any student not just the school).

or toys of the bosses, monsters, teachers and the people who are good.
(some can come with play sets)

For housing in the game...

you could buy monsters from each world and bosses so they could pretect you. ( if you have a party you could put a boss in front of an off-limits room shuch as a bed room or secret study.

you could let your pets roam around and be able to play and take care of them. Also buy armo with cards attached so they could come and fight with you in battles if you summon them.

if you buy a house a trading post should come with it free so if your friend is a low lvl and you have an old outfit/wand/pet/boot/hat/neckalace/sword that you don't need or want you can trade for gold( put a number of how much gold like 1,000 and up.)

~Jacquline ThunderBlood.

Dec 13, 2008
galaxis wrote:
well i have ideas friends should be able to trade merchandise and stuff through friends list and well no trade is no trade . a higher level besides fifty and being able to buy houses or castle to members on the same account. plus have game like mini games for friends to join in or friends to be able to buy stuff for friends and hand them out stuff you win or buy. how about tiger world or cat, griffin world or death world or cloud city with storm characters
well we need more stuff like luxurious beds and bathroom stuff or party stuff like for costume party in castles,maybe design you self color and stuff make yourself there, how about changing the weather on your castle or homes, but mostly being able to design you own cards and trap ghouls or monsters you fight in them

thank you for listening
grandmaster of fire

GOOD IDEAS!!!!i think more party things could be disco balls, party lights, dance floors, bowling allies ect. there should be castle exstentions like more land or caves and house areas would be nice

Feb 01, 2009

1. Mini action figures.

2.stuffed animals of the monsters

3.Halloween Costumes

4. monster slippers. :P i always wanted something like that :D

Sep 20, 2008
Phel wrote:
2.Wizard101 game for the Nintendo DS which syncs with your character in pc game. ( i'll leave it to KI to think up this one if you take to it )

A DS game title would be a nice Idea, since USB-linkable blank carts for GBA already exist at reasonable prices. An idea : Since our minions seemingly appear from nowhere, the new title could be a kind of Minion World, where you raise and improve the Minion you later Summon with a special Spell Card (1 only, Gear Spell).

Other things I would love to see:
An actual real-world TCG for Wizard101, using the same Spells from the MMORPG, complete with rare "Blue Cards" and Very Rare Treasures. Fizzle can be easily determined with special Percent Dice, a staple of Role-Playing games like Dungeons and Dragons.

Customizable Wizards, so our favorite "Uber-Wizard" can grace our dresser whenever we have to deal with this drag called "The Real World".

Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 40, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")

Nov 02, 2008
I love the idea of a DS/Wii game. That would be awesome. Take an idea of a new world from the thread and make a game with five of those suggestions. A TCG would be awesome too. Like you get an electric card, and plug it into the computer and copy all the data of your account. The decks would be based on the decks you can buy/get in the game and it would just be a case. Then you would need to get enough cards to fill the deck. The plush toys is a good idea, but they could come with a code that gives you a treasure card of the monster.

~Michael ThunderSpear
Lvl 47 Pyromancer
Savior of the Spiral

Sep 20, 2008
LucarioAura45 wrote:
A TCG would be awesome too. Like you get an electric card, and plug it into the computer and copy all the data of your account. The decks would be based on the decks you can buy/get in the game and it would just be a case. Then you would need to get enough cards to fill the deck.

That's a GREAT idea, since there are "Card Swipe" games on the market now. You buy a cheap reader with your Starter Pack, which usually plugs in with a USB connection. Then you add the real-world card's data to the online game by simply swiping it through the reader.

It fits the theme of Wizard 101, completely integrates the TCG with the MMORP Decks, opens a new market for Wizard through TCG related sales, and online Deck balance is iron-clad maintained through level-restrictions identical to those on clothing, wands, etc.

It even semi-answers the issues of School "cross-training" by allowing the Players to have a reasonable number of Spell Cards loaded into their Wizard's non-Deck SpellBook from any School they have real-world TCG cards for, the amount of non-Main School Spells (Death in my case) being determined by the Wizard's Level.

But ... since it makes way too much sense ... I doubt anyone will go for it...

Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 40, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow" )

Community Leader

1. Vinyl Minotaur (Cyclops, Troll, Orthrus, Harvest Lord, Nightshade) figures, 12"-18" tall.
2. Plush toy versions of the pets.
3. School supplies (notebooks, journals, backpacks, etc.)

Oh! And pajamas! Yeah, I know it outs me as a complete goober, but I think some adult-sized pajama pants with little minotaurs and myth symbols all over them would just be awesome!

May 12, 2009
you could already turn it into an X-Box 360 game considering it has online functions and a message system (BUT PLEASE ALLOW NUMBERS TO BE TYPED) games like final fantasy have the same game for PC and Xbox becuase they share similar functions.

But, if you revamped the game then sold it for a few consoles, it would obviously sell, just think how many people out there have watched harry potter and would love to go to a wizard school in their own bedroom!

It's a great idea to turn it into a console game i believe, even though i live in UK and you probably wouldn't release it here :(

i also think the emblem clocks are a clever idea

fridge magets

maybe like pencil cases and sets with them

a cup/mug with your character on it

a belt with wizard 101 buckle

if you do make a wizard 101 DS game then you could maybe release some wizard 101 vynyl skins forthem to stip on to their DS.

Socks with the emblems on (one for each day of week, cause there are seven classes)


i would say collectable cards but there aren't that many in total compared to other collectable cards.

Thank you :)

Dec 21, 2008
Is there a way to turn off the teleport commons and teleport home key or to reassign them to other places than on the key pad.

When i am moving to places and stop and start, I keep hitting the teleport keys by accident. Its a great idea to have these as short cut keys but not where a slight movement cause such drastic consequences.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Jul 19, 2008
A trading card game would be cool.The cards could be similar to the ones in the game.Also it would be nice to put it in a NDS like many people say.

Jan 13, 2009
Phel wrote:
1. Clocks that look like the plaques for each school.
2.Wizard101 game for the Nintendo DS which syncs with your character in pc game. ( i'll leave it to KI to think up this one if you take to it )
3. Plushie pets if you haven't did this already.
the ds thing i would like but will you have to download it on ghere or buy it?

Jan 13, 2009
gnreno3 wrote:
I'd like to see the plush dolls, the above mentioned clock is a good idea (the one with the Spiral or school symbols), and I'd like to add a few of my own.

1) To be able to buy a clock or even a poster of your own character with your name under them and maybe the choice of your favorite pet that you currently own.

2) My son would like a bed cover with Malistaire or the Teachers Staff on it or even the opening Wizard 101 Spiral page when your logging on.

Do we get Wizard Coins for winning suggestions? hint hint....lol

See ya in the Spiral,
Hunter SilverHeart
oh my word plush toys of them! i would love both that and the ds idea!

Jan 13, 2009
HatTrick3 wrote:
Would these be different than what is already offered in the Zazzle store??

* A Card game version of the game would be really cool.

* My sons are big fans of the Ninja pigs and would like a poster of the cartoon just before they attack.

* I was already considering buying Nija pig shirts for the boys, but would rather the money go to KI rather than Zazzle. Maybe you could work out something with them to sell them less expensive as they ar about $21 each through Zazzle now.

* Stuff of the Ninja pig would be pretty cool as well.

* Posters of each World would be cool kinda of like the wallpaper downloads that are available.

Christo Deathgiver
Lvl 50 Master of Death
Drake Rider
Savior of the Spiral
i ahve been wishing so much for the tcg of wizard101! i have been making my own out of index cards. oh please i would love it!

Jan 13, 2009
nlhf1995 wrote:
1. Ravenwood play set (similar to a doll house but resembles Ravenwood)
2. Collectible trading cards from characters in the game like Ambrose, Professor Winthrop, Meowiarty, Malistaire, etc.
3. Dueling card deck (Just like dueling in the game)
4. Stuffed animals resembling pets from the game
i would like a stuffed animal firecat. lol

Jan 13, 2009
Orca wrote:
1. Stuffed toys. I posted about this A LONG time ago. Ninja Pig Toys to be exact. ( I had the idea first :P )

2. Blankets and Beach Towels

3. Pillow Covers

3. One of my favorites Actual NINJA PIG PETS. Lol JK. Life SIZED NINJA PIG STUFFED ANIMALS

life sized eh? if you one of every character it wouldnt fit. but if we made them all as big as the ninja pig. that would be cool.

Jul 20, 2008
Dear Lady Oriel, Unicorn Way Seraph,
This looks like another one of KingsIsle's great marketing techniques. What better way to open up a game to the general public then with merchandise? First off, this game needs cosplay gear. Is would be the absolute coolest to dress up like your wizard and use all kinds of sweet staffs and wands. My next idea is pet stuffed animals. I know Wizard101 store already had plenty of that kind of stuff, but who's to say there shouldn't be a Ninja Pig plushie? Lastly, turn this game into a real card game. That'll get the servers packed with new players.

Myth now and forever,
Edward IronForge, Level 30 Magus Conjurer (and Savior of the Spiral)

Mar 21, 2009
I also would like to see your extra pets wandering around your house rather than just in your backpack.

Also, pets should be allowed to level up and maybe gain new abilities with points like the characters do. Doesnt make sense to give out pets in the first 10 levels as they will certainly be abandoned later for more powerful pets. Why not give the pet you are equipping the ability to gain XP, level up, get points, and grow with your character?

Pets should be able to change colors too! Most cannot, thats a shame.

Dec 28, 2008
1. Pajamas/hats/socks/bookbags/anything wearable. Seriously, I would love to walk around with the Death school logo on some baggy pants. : D

2. Tcg game, definitely. Preferably make it compatible with the real game, so we could get like rare treasure cards and actually get it online.

3. Alarm clocks/posters/bed sheets/pillow cases/other bedroom stuff. I have pillow cases and bed sheets of some of my favorite shows/anime, so why not a totally awesome game?

4. Soundtrack. I would love to have an album of ALL wizard101 music. Please? <3

Apr 26, 2009
Change the resell rate, I purchased a castle and didnt like it so i thought of selling it back but not for a 14,000 gold loss.....this is ridiculous. Change the way the houses are set so you can add people to the admin list of your house. That will give them the oportunity to place furniture in your house also, like my wife who in real life is my wife. We would like to set up a house together and I would also like to be able to give my daughter crowns and gold when she needs it and not use my Credit Card to purchase it for her. I cant show her how to use her $$$ and what she needs to purchase to make her character better.

-David Starflame

Sep 20, 2008
trenzman wrote:
Change the way the houses are set so you can add people to the admin list of your house. That will give them the oportunity to place furniture in your house also, like my wife who in real life is my wife.

You have a valid point there; Friends and family who also "Wizard" should have the right to donate to a person's in-game House. Maybe an expansion of the True Friend Code's coverage? To create a "House Gift" feature? What about it, Professors? Is that do-able?

trenzman wrote:

I would also like to be able to give my daughter crowns and gold when she needs it and not use my Credit Card to purchase it for her. I cant show her how to use her $$$ and what she needs to purchase to make her character better.

Hmm ... good point, also, though I'm currently single myself....

Still, if you have a Family Plan, then common sense says the Adult portion of that Account should have a privledge to re-distribute Crowns and Crown-obtained Gold between the Wizards in the overall Account. I have never personally seen any sense in this not being allowed, since the real world money involved is spent for a "Family" activity but dealt with as if the persons in questions were on the opposite sides of the universe.....

Just my Opinion.....

Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 41, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")

Mar 20, 2009
I think all items should come with an online code.

1) Mostly, I would really love some plushies of the pets from the game. Maybe new pets with stats can be made that you can only get with the plushie. (Just like the gift cards). If the plushies are priced between $10-25 depending on size I would most likely get one or two of each.

2) I would love a cd and or mp3 dl of all the music of W101. I think a good price for this would be about $10-15. It can come with a code for a big house item. Maybe a cool looking wizard radio for your house that lets you change the song playing when you click on it, when you are hanging out in your house. This would be really cool for parties as more songs could be added to the radio's playlist for different events.

3) Action figures of the teachers of each school would be really cool. Each could come with a code for a school related item. Boss figures could come with codes for something specific to its world. I think that a good asking price for a figure would be under $10.

4) Tee Shirts in kids and adult sizes for no more that $15-25. The clothing can come with codes for clothing for the online characters. The shirt design should determine what the virtual clothing stat's would be.

I came up with these prices bc I feel it is important that we remember most of these items will be bought by kids. I think it would be a good idea to keep the toys in the same range as some other online game competitors.

Dec 14, 2008