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What do you think of my stats?

Dec 08, 2012
I got a Level 95 Death Character. The stats are:
Accuracy:1% Death Accuracy, 6% Fire Accuracy
Critical Block:174
Power Pip Chance:102%
Incoming Heal:42%
Outgoing Heal:30%
Armor Piercing:6%

My Equipment that I have is:
Hat:Hades' Helm of Torment (From Hades)
Robe:Hades' Armor of Torment (From Hades)
Boots:Hades' Striders of Torment (From Hades)
Pet stats (Scarecrow):5% Spell-Defying, 9% Spell-Proof, May Cast Sprite, 6% Fire Accuracy, Give 1 Plague card
Wand:Viridian Charged Wand (From Crown Shop)
Athame:Blade of the Felled Titan (From Cronus)
Amulet:Horizon of Underworld Charm (From Bazaar LOL)
Ring:Alpha and Omega Ring (From Gladiator)
Deck:Deck of Immortal Might (From Sand Squid Tentacle)

Just know that the 6% fire accuracy is the talent I got at Mega and thus you can tell that my pet failed at mega but I'm currently working on getting a perfect pet (I hope I get a perfect pet soon. I've been hatching and training so I'm in the working process of getting a perfect pet)

Mar 27, 2011
Looks good except accuracy. Maybe change wand to a Sidhe, or try for Sharp Shot on a pet? Nice overall anyway. How long did it take to get all the Hades stuff?

Dec 08, 2012
Dakota Death on Nov 29, 2013 wrote:
Looks good except accuracy. Maybe change wand to a Sidhe, or try for Sharp Shot on a pet? Nice overall anyway. How long did it take to get all the Hades stuff?
I know that unfortunately my accuracy is low, I'm working on it though. As for how long it took me to farm for the full Hades gear, I would say (although i never kept track) it took approximately 2 or 3 weeks probably or probably shorter then that or longer then that. Idk, i never kept track of it LOL

Dec 03, 2012
I love your stats! I think they are great! :)

Jan 27, 2010