Hi guys! Erin Iceheart Here! So I decided to post my opinion about which school is the best. All of the schools are great, but they do have their negatives too. Let's get started :
Fire Positives : High Damage, Beautiful Spells, Fizzles sometimes Negatives : Low Health
Ice Positives : High Health, Beautiful Spells, Lots of shields, Negatives : Low Damage, Fizzles a lot
Storm Positives : High Damage Negatives : Fizzles a lot, Low Health,
Myth Positives : High Damage, Minions, Gets Blades Early, Ok Health, low chance of fizzling Negatives : None really
Life Positives : Ok Health, Heals alot, Low chance of Fizzling Negatives : Low Damage
Death Positives : Okay Health, Heals and Fights at the same time, Fizzles sometimes Negatives : Low Damage
Balance Positives : Okay Health Negatives : Low Damage, Too easy
Note, this is just my opinion. I think the best school is Myth. The best side school is Life. My favorite school is Ice, though. My highest leveled wizard is an ice wizard and I have had a positive experience on it. If your up for a challenge I would suggest Storm. If your up for an easy school, I would suggest Balance. But if you just want a school that isn't too hard and isn't too easy, I would suggest Ice, Myth, or Fire. Like I said, a good side school would be Life or Death.
Ice is better than all of these by far, you say they have low damage but they don't. In comparison to other schools, they might have low damage but in reality, they don't, I've seen ice wizards get up to 94-95 damage and 33 pierce, mine only has 78 damage and 26 pierce but it's not like I need perfect stats as an ice because of how insanely broken some of the spells we have are like weaver. And lastly, they have the highest chance at fizzling at max lvl but this really isn't that big of a disadvantage since they have way more health than every other school. So, in summary, ice is the best school by far and cannot lose from first.
Ice is better than all of these by far, you say they have low damage but they don't. In comparison to other schools, they might have low damage but in reality, they don't, I've seen ice wizards get up to 94-95 damage and 33 pierce, mine only has 78 damage and 26 pierce but it's not like I need perfect stats as an ice because of how insanely broken some of the spells we have are like weaver. And lastly, they have the highest chance at fizzling at max lvl but this really isn't that big of a disadvantage since they have way more health than every other school. So, in summary, ice is the best school by far and cannot lose from first.
No it is not. Ice is not the ''best'' school. Wizard101 is not all about stats and damage. Ice is not the best school in the entire game. Other people favor other schools than ice. It doesn't matter if ice has good damage it matters if you enjoy playing it and mastering it. You shouldn't say that it's the best for everyone, say it as if it's your own opinion. Because to others ice is a weak school.
Hello fellow wizards! I truly believe there is no best school at all, and that's why each school has it's own set of pros and cons. However, there is a best school for each individual player. Everyone has their own strategy and preferences, leading them to have their own opinions and biases towards certain schools. I personally find storm to be the school I find most enjoyable because of it's high attack and the ability to quickly defeat any boss in the spiral! Lower levels were somewhat difficult because of the lowest accuracy percentage in the game, but it can be easily fixed with higher level gear providing better accuracy! As a level 55 diviner, I have 95% accuracy, causing me to rarely fizzle, and I have also trained in the school of life as a secondary to compensate for the low health.
I STRONGLY suggest playing as a storm wizard, coming from a somewhat experienced player who's played as storm, fire, life, and death. Happy playing!