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What is your closest battle? Here's mine!

Aug 27, 2009
This is the closest battle I have ever had!
OK, this is it.

Me and my friend Seth Owlhand[level 11] had teleported to one of my friends in Celestia. We got into a battle with four guys with 1,580 health!By the time me and friend had killed one ,we both had less than 100 health. My friend summoned a minion but he didn't last long because the enemies had done an attack with hydra that did 1,500 damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were so glad that they didn't attack us! Luckily, another wizard had joined our battle and polymorphed into gobbler with 5,000 health! [new astral spells!]. By then my friend had died but the wizard healed him. Unfortunately, he was out of mana. We had killed another guy but we still had two to go.The enemies used hydra on the other person and lowered his health to 1!!!!!!! He later died and fled but used one of his potions and teleported back. He healed us again and we killed another. Once they were all dead, we were all relieved. :-o :-o :-o :-o

So, post your close battles because I want to hear them!

James Lionflame level 46
and Seth Owlhand level 11

Dec 21, 2009
Doing Helios for Ra.
Started the fight full health and mana (3,029 health, 490 mana)
Went about 20 some rounds, got him down to 2,000 health, I was at about 1,200? idk.
He hit me with a really big attack (Helephant?) and it hit critical. At this point I was just praying for better luck next time. Turns out I had 6 health left... I hit him with a pretty big (not amazing but big) Judgement of about 3,200 damage and won the fight :D

Mar 18, 2009
While battling Malistaire solo with a fire wizard, I won the fight with only 7 HP left. I basically ran out of cards and my Fire Dragon damage over time took care of him right before he finished me off.

Feb 12, 2011
My one is a crazy one:

i had accidentally teleported to dragonspyre (i was lvl 22 at the time, and i am lvl 22 right now) i was in a fight with a giant storm helephant and two of his minions with three people helping me out, at the last round all the people were dead except for me, i had exactly ONE health left and the storm helephant had seven pips.

He had cast his spell and i noticed all of his pips were gone (when you cast a spell your pips disappear before you actually cast the spell :) ) and then: FIZZLE!!! I finished him off with a troll...

Feb 22, 2009
Mine was actually an arena battle. I was playing as my balance (Level 46) and I got matched up against a grandmaster ice. for a long time we both just passed, bladed, trapped, and i used a few judgements. Then he used colossus on me and I had ten health left. I used Helping Hands, he passed. I used pixie, he used ice wyvern, which brought me back down to six health. I healed a couple times, his spell fizzled, and i won with a hydra.

Mar 18, 2009
My 2 main characters are Life and Death and I can't tell you how many times I've ended a battle with under 10 HP. My husband thinks I'm nuts, but sometimes you just have to skip the heal to kill the minion. LOL.

One in particular that I remember REALLY well was the battle for my 58 Life spell. Boss has like 13,000 HP. I killed him with a Critical Centaur that hit for like 2500 (I had him lower than that at this point). I had a grand total of 3 HP left. If I hadn't got "first hit" then I would have died. Again.

May 26, 2010
My closest fight was in ms vs tomuwaga the evil. He used a fire elf and brought me down to 7 health! But he also had a fire wlf so he dued next turn. Then i used phoenix and BOOM! I won

Nov 19, 2010
Mine was Prine Mau Narini in the Prymid of the Sun in Krokitopia. I kept saying "fizzle,fizzle,fizzle,fizzle! please fizzle!" Then he did

But then there was the "Krockospinx" or sombody- the boss in the purple room after that.


AND It was a DUNGEON! No going BACk