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What level should I be in each world?

Jul 14, 2011
I'm currently level 41 in DragonSpyre, but half of the loot is level 45 stuff? Is this bad?

Jan 11, 2013
Well, the actual thing that matters is that is your wizard powerful enough against enemies in each world. You will eventually get to the world's "level" if you keep on going, because you will get lots of experience for your wizard if you're "underlevel".

-Chris Tale, lvl 25

Jul 29, 2012
If you're worried about being below average level, try side questing. If you don't have any at the moment, use the quest finder in each world to make sure that you've done all that you can to gain experience. Who knows! You could even level up a few times! by the way, I am currently questing in Celestia, and when I first went there I was level 51.

Apr 14, 2010
What part of Dragonspyre are you on?
What quest (main or side) are you on?
What MAIN quest are you on? (If you don't give a main quest for the second question.)
The recommended level for Dragonspyre is 40-50, but if you are too far in you may have trouble anyways...
If you have no trouble with the enemies, you probably aren't underleveled.

Michelle ShadowCatcher LVL 79 (Currently in Avalon)
Tara GoldenPetal LVL 55 (Currently in Wintertusk)

Feb 07, 2011
that depends.

-do you play alone or with friends?
-do you complete all quests, or main arc only?
-how often do you play?

my balance wizard soloed all quests, main and side; she left dragonspyre at level 55.

my storm did main quests only and left dragonspyre at level 48. she also had help from a questing buddy for a few worlds, and plowed through them in no time; as the furthest along in the storyline, she was the first one i took through end-game.

some averages, based on gear drop stats and my 24 wizards:

wizard city 1-14
krok 15-24
marley 25-34
mooshu 35-44
dragonspyre 45-54
celestia 55-64
zafaria 65-74
avalon 75-84
azteca 85-94
khrysalis 95+

side worlds

grizzleheim 20-35
wysteria 25-34
wintertusk 48-60

Sep 16, 2013
Well, You will be around level 15 when going to krok, if your making a new account, then about Dragonspyre, i have no clue... You see, i had a old account with a lvl 22 or so death that got hacked, so i made a new one. Which is lvl 11 death. But wizard city is safe for most people even though the people who are lvl 1-20 will usually be there.