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What school did you pick and why?

Jul 05, 2014
Hello! I've been wondering the most popular or what schools you people choose. So I am just curious on why and what school you chose!

I chose Life because in real life I do love animals, nature, to help. So that's me. Your turn!!

Mar 17, 2011
I chose ice because

1 it my style of playing

2 most people irl say that i handle things on my own and that kinda how ice is

3 I like to protect people irl and thought ice kinda showed that on here

4 i love snow but i do hate the cold lol

level 100 ice

Oct 09, 2011
My first school was Fire, because I picked all of the topmost options in the quiz. I do like Fire, but it's only my second favorite school along with Myth. My favorite school is Death, because I just absolutely love the drains and not having to spend training points to get Feint or Satyr.

Apr 05, 2013
I liked the color purple. So I picked storm.

Sep 05, 2010
I picked Balance for many reasons. One reason being because I usually get it when I take the quiz. Another reason being because the traits best suit me. Also, they have a spell for everything. If you want someone to fizzle, if you want someone to do less damage, if you want more accuracy, if you want to do more damage, everything. They have so many handy spells and I really love it. Judgement is also an awesome spell.

Aug 14, 2012
I chose death because....Well...Let's just say I've always had a liking for the "bad guys" and hey, the death school's symbol is a skull. Why wouldn't I pick it?! haha

Jul 14, 2013
I choose blance because it is arsome!! and I love all the buffs.

Dec 04, 2013
i chose death. i am not sure why. probably because i like the swaps. they help keep me alive while i still deal damage. i often wish i had chosen life however because i often like to be able to heal others. so life is my second school. but i think death is cool.

Jul 28, 2013
I choose Fire because of the DoTs and AoEs they have.

~Colin Stormslinger Lvl 79 Fire

Sep 27, 2014
I picked Balance partly because it combines lots of tactics from other schools, but mostly because I live in the desert and Balance is sort of desert-y.

Fallon Fireweaver Level 18

Apr 13, 2013
FunWizzygirl100 on Nov 28, 2014 wrote:
Hello! I've been wondering the most popular or what schools you people choose. So I am just curious on why and what school you chose!

I chose Life because in real life I do love animals, nature, to help. So that's me. Your turn!!
Lol, I chose Balance because I am good at balancing things out and I just love the way the spells look.

Morgan Dreamthief Level 84 and

Jan 06, 2014
I chose Myth for my main character (although I am working on a Balance character currently). I love mythology, especially Greek and Roman. Some of the myth spells are really cool!

Kestrel Jadesong
Level 30

Dec 11, 2014
I chose myth because I was trying to answer the test as truthfully as possible but when it came time to chose the jem I thought it was a little subjective so I just chose my birth stone and it was peridot same as myth and ever since then I just loved everything about myth the minions spells and all

Dec 07, 2013
I chose storm because they are powerful.
But I'm not like a storm wizard.
My very first wizard was life and I am much more like a life wizard because:
1 I love to help out people and heal them
2 I am NOT indepentand
3 I can be kind.

One reason I am like a storm wizard
1 I can be mean
One reason i am like a death wizard
1 I am solitary sometimes

All the rest just are not for me.

So I chose storm but is this was real then I would be life.

Dec 07, 2013
Kestrel Jadesong on Dec 11, 2014 wrote:
I chose Myth for my main character (although I am working on a Balance character currently). I love mythology, especially Greek and Roman. Some of the myth spells are really cool!

Kestrel Jadesong
Level 30
If you love mythology then you should read the Percy Jackson series my friend!

Best series EVER!

Dec 30, 2011
Hi! I picked life because i am a outside kinda person and life kinda person!

May 13, 2013
I would have to say balance because 1. It was what I got from the test, and 2. It was my play style

May 17, 2014
I choose because:

a) Best teacher B]

b) DoT

c) Lots of spells attack all enemies

d) Easy to solo

Why I picked :
a) Pretty high health

b) Drain spells

c) Extremly easy to solo

d) Scarecrow is so OP B]

Apr 27, 2009
I picked fire as my main that I've been playing since 2009. I just like fire. I wanted to change schools about level 40 so I made another wizard but then I kept playing my fire.

Oct 08, 2014
I have 1 wizard from every school, some lower levels then others. I remember being a level 10 ice, way back, and I saw the ghoul spell and I was like *O* since you got health back, so I made a death, who is now exalted ( Kayla Waterbreeze ) my first real wizard

After that, I made a storm, thinking it was so OP since all of the attacks and damage, and I had a good accuracy pet, who is now level 73 ( Brianna Stormspear )

Then I made a balance, just for PvP, which was a lot of fun I always thought balance PvP was interesting, so I have my level 20 balance commander ( Kristen Sandcloud )

I also made an ice to PvP with, only at level 12, so I have my level 12 ice captain, ( Kelsey Icebreath )

I have a myth in progress, and Im about to continue with my storm and life also, but I thought myth was very cool with Mesdusa, Earthquake, Shatter, etc. And I'm planning to PvP with her at legendary

I made a fire to quest with a person getting to level 5, when that person quit.. So she's just kind of there xD

And lastly, I made a life to PvP with at level 5 for a big challenge, and I will continue at exalted I'm only at level 28 atm.. but I have my plans. She is commander and Im going for Warlord ( Bailey Sunslinger)

To me, all the schools have postitives and negitives about them, but they're all equal Never call storm OP until you've made one and know the struggle of not dying on a solo boss.

Cya in the spiral everyone!

Jan 05, 2011
I picked , mainly because it gave me both health and attacks.

Nov 14, 2009
My first (and main) wizard is a life. I chose life because...well my husband needed someone to help keep his storm alive. Lol

Then I created a storm wizard, well because storm was amazing!

I JUST created a fire wizard today, because I didn't want to mess with storm, and I have nothing to do on life until a new world comes out and I can't say I have any real reason for picking fire other than that's what the quiz gave me. :D

Jun 30, 2009
My first character was an Ice I really like how I can tank and shield and attack. Tower shield, by far my favorite spell in the ice school. My second character is a death and I really like the attack/heal spells and I've never used my fairy once. I trained pixie to heal other people, though. I've personally tried all other schools and I didn't like Myth and Balance that much. Just not my playing style. I'm thinking of making another or in the upcoming months or so :)

Dec 18, 2014
i chose death as my main school because
there are a lot of cool draining spells to learn
high health
i love to pretend i am the night
and i tend to play as bad guys im video games. and since the maon antagonist was death, i picked it to follow in his footsteps.

~Kyle MoonThief

Feb 05, 2011
I chose Life because The Book of Secrets said so. LOL!