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What school should I leave out

Jul 31, 2011
It is a common issue in Wizard101 to struggle with the choice of 6 seats, and 7 schools. You have to leave out a school. Currently, I have everything but a storm, but as an offensive person, who blades, traps, and does a damage to all enemies I think storm could work for me just as fire did, considering tempest. Now I would delete my life if I had to get rid of one, but I am not sure if this strategy I speak of matches storm very much. My highest is a level 40 ice named Megan AngleStone, My second highest is a level 32 named Kestrel Forge, and my third highest is Mariah Bearbane who is my balance at level 23, my fourth highest is my myth, at level 16 named Calamity, my fifth highest is my life, Finnigan Seapyre at level 15, and finally my lowest is a level 4 death named Cori. Anything helpful would be greatly appreciated :D

Feb 28, 2014
Ask yourself; what wizard do I really enjoy playing the least and why? Is it the choice of spells and/or it's graphics and it's strength? what kind of spells inspires you to cast over and over again? Balance lies in between offense/defense and deals with mostly element spells. It doesn't have convert, globe and it's own -70 shield however it does have - 50 elemental shields, spells cards itself are not as strong in damage wise than other schools except judgement which all these factors may cause survival difficulties in harder worlds Life deals with healing and offense spells. Other players depend on life for healing which will interfere with your attacks unless you go solo. To make the story short, I would suggest you look at all the spells in every schools at Wizard 101.com spells lists before you make your decision. For you being as an offensive person, me personally I would drop Balance for my first choice. When you do drop a wizard, Make sure you trade everything you can to your other wizards.

Aug 25, 2014
Play it for a little bit and decide then. I know I started and deleted a fire, then a myth to decide between the two for my last slot. It is not an easy choice, but go with the one you have more fun with!

If only they would give us a 7th slot or let us purchase 7th slot....

Sep 17, 2012
You say you're prefer offense, in that case I'd normally say Ice or Life should go. While any school can be effective offensively, those are the least offensive. Judging purely on your levels though, I would leave out Balance. Balance is a more advanced school and requires different playing strategy than the basic schools. As for Balance not having a convert or shield. That's a strength, not a weakness.

Aug 03, 2016
I left out Balance because it looked very mathematical and complicated to me. I thought that is one I might want later if or when I understand this game and is strategies a whole lot better.

I also like to either fight or heal the best, and Balance seems to be there to help other players but I heard it does not gain its real strength until later in the game. So to me that's one for more experienced players.

Depends what you want out of the game I think, as well as your personal strengths as a player.

Aug 03, 2016
Another thing to look at might be who gets a minion and when. There are times when I just prefer to solo for whatever reason. A minion comes in extremely handy!

These three schools get a minion starting at Level 28: Fire, Ice, Death.

These schools get a minion starting at Level 18: Life, Storm, Balance.

I think Myth gets one even sooner but I don't remember for sure.

For those just joining, the Minion is a helper. You can cast a Minion spell once you get that card and it will potentially aid you in battle. I've seen Minions heal a player, or attack an enemy alongside a player, or shield a player.

I have had some misguided ones too. I had one that healed itself five times in a battle and did not attack at all. It finally healed me one time. Did I mention my wizard was 'nearly dead' and the Minion stayed completely healthy? Lol I got a good laugh from it, though, too.

But you can also buy healing cards or maybe gear that comes with a healing card; some pets can heal; and some pets come with a Minion card.

That is something I wish I had known before starting.

Jun 14, 2016
I'm planning to leave out Death for its aesthetics.

Though Ice and Myth aren't considered that good in terms of PvE gameplay.

Oct 26, 2010
You should focus on leveling one character to 50 and then getting the next school to 50. This will get you used to the game more.

Oct 29, 2011
Ice is one of the best for PVE. You need that ice tank in hard dungeons. Also ice is an easy soloable school.

Nov 21, 2011
Although it was the first school i ever played, looking at it now, i'd have to leave out Myth, because that all-hit neglect is painful, and if for some reason you didn't do Darkmoor, then they technically still don't have an all-hit past earthquake.

Sep 17, 2012
Mirandaassassin II on Oct 9, 2016 wrote:
Although it was the first school i ever played, looking at it now, i'd have to leave out Myth, because that all-hit neglect is painful, and if for some reason you didn't do Darkmoor, then they technically still don't have an all-hit past earthquake.
The same is true of Death. With enchantments Frog is more powerful than Scarecrow with the same enchantments and costs less. Life too. All the spirit schools are short on AOE's. They are more an elemental school thing.

Nov 30, 2009
Dand3333333 on Oct 5, 2016 wrote:
It is a common issue in Wizard101 to struggle with the choice of 6 seats, and 7 schools. You have to leave out a school. Currently, I have everything but a storm, but as an offensive person, who blades, traps, and does a damage to all enemies I think storm could work for me just as fire did, considering tempest. Now I would delete my life if I had to get rid of one, but I am not sure if this strategy I speak of matches storm very much. My highest is a level 40 ice named Megan AngleStone, My second highest is a level 32 named Kestrel Forge, and my third highest is Mariah Bearbane who is my balance at level 23, my fourth highest is my myth, at level 16 named Calamity, my fifth highest is my life, Finnigan Seapyre at level 15, and finally my lowest is a level 4 death named Cori. Anything helpful would be greatly appreciated :D
Personally, I'd delete balance or ice. I have had a max on every character and I always end up deleting my ice or balance. I wouldn't worry about it until you get a character to max first. It sounds like storm would work well for you.

Good luck Wizard!