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What was your favorite level?

Jun 19, 2009
My favorite level was level 48, when I finally had gotten my Scarecrow. I am now level 71

Oct 19, 2010
my favorite level is 50 and 70

50 - because you unlock criticals...

70- great level to show off

May 10, 2010
My favorite level is without any doubt, level 60. You have level 58 spells, you have Waterworks gear, the Legendary title, a good ring and athame. Most of this is still the best gear even now, reaching level 80. Level 58 pets did not have any selfish talents.

The only good thing out of 20 more levels, is new spells, new worlds, new quests and more fun. However, from a progression standpoint, we might as well have stayed level 60 than moved to level 80.

Feb 03, 2012
Dec 10, 2009
probably 60 because i didnt have to even think about celestia anymore. XD what a wretched world.

Sep 08, 2008
I don't have a single favorite level.

But my favorite level range was from 1 - End of Dragonspyre.

Simple, fun, sometimes a tad challenging, but not going overboard. Celestia+ destroyed the entire concept of 'fun' for me.

Feb 07, 2011
Mine was level 45-50, when I was in DS and the game still had a plot... I got Power Nova out of it, too. :)

Jun 19, 2009
Shiningfantasia wrote:
I don't have a single favorite level.

But my favorite level range was from 1 - End of Dragonspyre.

Simple, fun, sometimes a tad challenging, but not going overboard. Celestia+ destroyed the entire concept of 'fun' for me.

I can kinda agree, but it's not entirely bad...

Jan 12, 2012
Level 1.

About 5 minutes after logging in the very first time and completing the tutorial, I followed the guide arrows around long enough to discover Unicorn Way. I had intended to find something to fight all by myself so I could better learn how the game's interface worked in combat. Unfortunately, I crossed into a street too near someone's circle and was pulled into my first battle along with them. The spell selection came up on my turn, and with no real idea what I was doing, I chose a random spell and clicked it. Moments later I watched, totally mortified, as the spell I just chose was suddenly exploding on the person standing beside me in the first ring of the circle, and with one 'Ye hehehe' from a dark pixie, he was dead! I didn't know the monsters on the other side of the circle had cast the same spell at him I had just selected to cast at them. I was convinced I had just committed toon-acide. When I saw the flee button on the next round, I clicked it, and landed, blinking and mana-less, back in the commons a few seconds later. That was 57 levels ago and I still have never passed down Unicorn Way without a twinge of post traumatic dark pixie syndrome. Having only just reached Dragonspire at present, I'm a long way from the end of the game, but every level thorugh every area has been a journey of many unforgetable adventures. Getting the pets, the gear, the new spells and watching my wizard develope from fearing monsters with 300 health to killing off bosses with eight thousand health has been awesome. Still, I gotta say that as much fun as I have had from every world along the way, nothing has ever passed the fun, wonder and amazement of the first day in Wizard City for me. So far. The day I found Grummish Greataxe came close. :)

Oct 03, 2011
Favourite level? Definetely Lvl 60!!!!!! 8) 8) Becauz that was when I finally unlocked Waterworks and got my Waterworks gear.

Samuel GhostHunter
Legendary Conjurer!
And more characters!

Jul 22, 2009
Shiningfantasia wrote:
I don't have a single favorite level.

But my favorite level range was from 1 - End of Dragonspyre.

Simple, fun, sometimes a tad challenging, but not going overboard. Celestia+ destroyed the entire concept of 'fun' for me.


Aug 10, 2011
My favorite Level was also Level 48, the time that i had learned Rebirth and defeated Malistaire.

Jul 03, 2010
Mario2463 wrote:
Shiningfantasia wrote:
I don't have a single favorite level.

But my favorite level range was from 1 - End of Dragonspyre.

Simple, fun, sometimes a tad challenging, but not going overboard. Celestia+ destroyed the entire concept of 'fun' for me.


Agreed also

Oct 24, 2010
My favorite level was lvl33 because of MINOTAUR! ( My favorite myth creature :) ) :D

May 22, 2011
It has to be level 45, because them you get the epic Dragonspyer outfit and the sword for a wandand amazing damage and resist. WOOT!

May 21, 2011
LEVEL ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It rocked cuz I didn't know anything about Wizard101 and got to find out as I progressed :D
Sydney Mistcatcher
Level 58 Fire

Mar 29, 2012
my favorite level (on this moment) is level 48, at that level i got my hydra pet and my favorite spell (on this moment) power nova :)

Michael drakehunter, level 50 balance wizard
Michael drakefinder, level 10 death wizard

Feb 29, 2012
Level fifteen, when I finally got my sub and found out about the wonders of the many worlds of the Spiral.

Feb 08, 2009
Well I have two favorite levels, for my two main characters.

For my Life wiz, my favorite lvl was lvl one. My first day of Wizard101. This is what started my obbsession. When I first walked into the Headmasters office I had no clue of the years of magical awesomeness that would follow. However I gave up on my life wiz and made a new character. Which is why my life wiz is only lvl 48, which leads me to my other favorite lvl.

Lvl 80. I was practically bursting with excitement when my Myth wizard reached this lvl and the XP bar dissapeared completely, no longer taunting me with my lvl 79ness. I could finally wear my lvl 80 clothes and equip my oh-so-awesome wand. And since I had reached the end on my Myth wiz, I could once again focus on my Life wiz, who I promise not to give up on this time. :)

Keira Silverthief- lvl 80 Myth wizard
Kelly Silverthief- lvl 48 Life wizard

Jul 28, 2009
Well my favorite level was of course lvl 50 because i had my orthrus pet and i unlocked critical :D fun level and i will probably like lvl 60 next lol

Destiny DeathBlade
Level 54 Myth

Mar 16, 2012
Level 42 when I got my hydra spell :D when I got it i immediatly tried it on a lost soul in unicorn way lolz

Ashley Emeraldbreeze level 44 master sorcerrer