Not all of us have time to play 24hrs a day. (Even though we would LOVE to!) And we all have a world that we have never been to but want to unlock or visit. And we all have our reasons why! Here is mine:
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to unlock or visit Avalon. I have heard the world music on the wizard101 ringtones page and i fell in love with it. ( but i don't love it more than marleybone music) I also saw the laptop wallpaper and it looks cool and medivial like. Cant wait for Avalon? YOUR TURN!
Not all of us have time to play 24hrs a day. (Even though we would LOVE to!) And we all have a world that we have never been to but want to unlock or visit. And we all have our reasons why! Here is mine:
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to unlock or visit Avalon. I have heard the world music on the wizard101 ringtones page and i fell in love with it. ( but i don't love it more than marleybone music) I also saw the laptop wallpaper and it looks cool and medivial like. Cant wait for Avalon? YOUR TURN!
I love Avalon, and I can't wait for you to get there; you'll like it, I promise!
Since I've already unlocked everything through Azteca, I'm not sure this really applies to me. But, if we're including worlds that have been mentioned (but not released yet) in-game, I'd be excited for Mirage or Empyrea... except that'll probably last about 5 minutes, because the mobs (not even bosses) will likely have steroid health and crazy cheats, chain-stun like mad, grrr argh...
For those of you who aren't there yet, my favourite worlds are (in order):
1. Dragonspyre 2. Avalon
You guys will love both of them, honest... and, if you end up hating them, feel free to take my ice cream!
Seeing as I am currently in Zafaria, I'm really looking forward to Avalon :) I've ported there a few times and from what everyone's been saying, it sounds like an amazing place! And I agree with Von - those mentioned worlds like Mirage sound pretty exciting too. Sierra Ashblood, Transdecent
I want to unlock Celestia. I am Level 39 and I have defeated the Plaque Oni recently. Ring a bell? I want to unlock it because of the Astral spells! So excited for those.
I am in Avalon and because everybody tells me about the steroid health in azteca, I'm not sure i would love to go there, for worlds coming out i wanna see Mirage